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This, very much this. I have a general weakness for the loyal right-hand man trope, so for me the close relationship between Fisk and Wesley was basically almost fan-service. Loved those two together, and was pretty bummed when Wes snuffed it.

For a long time, I liked Stannis, and it was a pretty weird experience because a religious extremist burning "heretics" alive really is not somebody I'm supposed to like. So yeah, I pretty much agree with this. For me, burning Shireen seemed like a pretty decent narrative conclusion to his arc, and a good way to snap

I really don't mind GoT's tendency to kill off characters, but yeah, I have to admit I'm by now in a pretty similar mindset.

But the characters were all paper-thin idiots who did things no person would ever think of doing

I seem to vaguely remember about answers being promised and such (which is still possible even if you don't have the endgame mapped out yet), but when at the end of season 2 we still didn't really have any answers I kinda lost interest in the show and stopped watching. I don't necessarily need an answer to every

Hey, that's okay, it's not worthless. This is what notifications are for after all! And yeah, that actually sounds quite plausible, thanks!

I watched the first two seasons of Lost, and remember reading about answers being promised and so on and so forth. But when at the end of season 2 we still didn't really have any answers (if I recall correctly at least, which admittedly is not 100% guaranteed) I just kinda figured that they would never deliver on

Wait, that's seriously where they went with that? Holy shit.

I'm not even sure if GoT will need a Deus Ex Machina. I mean, regardless of any shortcomings, if I've understood the Internet correctly, GMMR has had the endgame in pretty clear sight for a while now (even though he does seem to struggle with figuring out how to get there). On Lost on the other hand, they apparently

Holy shit, I knew the name sounded familiar! Just… wow.

I have a bit of a weak spot for the loyal and competent right-hand man trope. First time I became aware of Cavill was in his The Tudors shtick, and I rather liked him in that, which I think gave him some bonus points in my book for the rest of his work, deservedly or not. Funny how these things work out. Haven't seen U

I'm a moderator on a decently-sized tech forum, and I would estimate most of our members to be males in their teens or maybe early 20s (I'm late 20s). Most of them behave okay, but we had some very unpleasant people say some very unpleasant things during the whole gamergate nonsense, and obviously most of that

TD season 2 ending spoilers, sort of.

I found myself fast-forwarding through some of the personal side stories, but overall enjoyed it because it was easier keeping the various story threads and details in my head when watching the episodes in quick succession.

I think he said to Velcoro that he'd only brought fakes though, not the real thing, since he had intended to screw over the orphan kid. Not 100% sure anymore, but I thought I picked that up. If that's true, the real diamonds are wherever he last put them probably (or maybe Burris got to them, who knows).

Plus, even if they hadn't gotten to him (or taken their time), he'd still have been in prison for a while, not exactly a cakewalk for former cops.

I'm not an expert on film noir and all that is connected to it, but from what I've gleaned from other comments, the murder which sets everything unraveling not actually being committed by somebody who's heavily involved in the overall story seems to be a bit of a trope in that genre. So the two orphans not being very

Yeah, same for me. I rewatched the season in the past few days, including also that scene, naturally. Just made it sting that extra bit more.

I think season 1 is more rewatchable for me because of season 2's bleak ending, and I haven't yet made up my mind on which season I prefer, but I did like season 2 overall. I mean, I don't mind non-happy endings, but holy damn that was a downer, and I was pretty damn attached to the characters, so it stung quite a bit.

Yeah, I really wanted Frank to make it out alive. The moment when he mentioned Ray's son early in the episode I knew Ray was going to try to see his son one last time and get killed for it, but I truly did hold out faint hope for Frank to make out to Jordan.