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Yeah, I don't exactly have the most positive outlook on life personally, so I don't mind myself some sort-of happy endings, but hell, that was freaking bleak! I don't dislike it, but I doubt I'll be rewatching this season any time soon, the ending truly did sting a bit. Then again, I suppose that means that the show

I actually felt Paul's death was more contrived than Ray's. I mean, yeah, it's not inconceivable that Burris was able to somehow track Paul to that specific tunnel exit, and still, that felt much less logical to me than Ray's demise.

Dixon did have a nose for secrets and clandestine picture-taking though, even in his flatulent drunkard state. Poor Paul.

Holy crap that was a downer of an ending. Not that that's necessarily a bad thing, but still, elated I feel not.

Which reminds me of Gabrielle Anwar. I mean, yeah, she's ridiculously fit (or at least she seemed to be when I last saw her on Burn Notice, which was admittedly a few years ago), but holy hell, when I saw a pic of her from when she was younger and hadn't yet trimmed every ounce of fat out of her body I was quite

Love's Labor Lost is probably the most brutal thing I've ever watched, period. Hauntingly amazing.

So… Rollo Tomasi is going back in time?

I think that white people have wiped out a much higher proportion of the lion population than of the black population over the past 150 years or so though. Not that either of those is/was a good thing, but that just popped into my head.

The problem is we had to start filling out paperwork for every rock, which got the lawyers involved, and they didn't like us having all the fun.

Oh, right, poor Rivers and his horny (well, more lonely than horny I suppose) widow! I was rather bummed out about Rivers' death I must admit, rather liked the chap. It stung even more because I had seen the US version of Touching Evil before the UK version. It was a different show, but I did and do like it in its own

Oh yeah, I remember when I first saw LA Confidential in my teens and that moment came up, holy fucking shizzles I got some genuine goosebumps from Pearce's face in that scene (still do, actually)!

Touching Evil was a thing of true beauty, although I've not seen it in quite a while so I'm not sure anymore what the quality curve over the entire show's run was, but yup, agreed. Also thanks for all the shows, more stuff to check out! :D

Hm, that's actually a fair point. If they are just gotten out of town and then never heard from again, no need really to spend this much screentime on the issue. Makes me think that either Ani's partner is also dirty, or maybe something bad is indeed still in store for the three of them. Plus, Ani's dad is played by

Well, he seems to know she's messed up, but he took cold-blooded murdery revenge on an innocent man he thought was his wife's rapist, so he's probably got Ani beat by a bit, especially since it seems to weigh pretty heavily on him. But yeah, she's definitely messed up too.

Yeah, that was pretty much my take on it too.

My money is more going in the direction of the orphaned kids from the robbery in '92 taking revenge for the murder of their parents at the moment.

Frank was awesome in this episode. Taking Blake apart, the icy chat with the Russians, burning down the house(s), excellent. Looking forward to the mayhem he'll hopefully be bringing next week.

Overall I've mostly enjoyed this season to be honest, including Vaughn. However, there were bits of dialoge/monologe which didn't really work for me even in the context you mention. I get the whole "character playing a character he's not cut out to play" thing, but it seemed to me that his character kept playing that

As far as I'm aware, being gay/black/[insert arbitrary minority fighting for social equality] does not make somebody immune from being an asshole. But maybe I have been misinformed.

Agreed, I don't get how the reviewer doesn't get this (or doesn't seem to get it).