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I've read a lot of flack being shot at Vaughn and Reilly, but regardless of that, the relationship between Frank and his wife in and of itself I rather like I must admit.

Watching that cocksucker getting taken apart was a thing of fucking beauty I'll say.

I loved Frank in this episode, murdering dudes left and right, burning shit to the ground and making deals for a personal arsenabl in a bakery. Awesome! Makes me wish he had been more in gangster mode and less in philospher mode during the course of the season, but such is life. I am definitely looking forward to what

Have to admit, I fucking enjoyed Vaughn in this episode, and am actually looking forward to the potential mayhem he's going to cause next week.

I just spent eight minutes watching people utter the word cocksucker, and I feel neither regret nor shame. Glorious!

Yup, that's where I remember him from as well. Did rather like that series I must admit.

Indeed, there is something about her which actually made me believe that she could kick some serious ass in the fight scenes I've seen her in (also agreed on Atwell). I mean, yeah, I get that it's possible for a smaller person to beat up somebody with more meat on them, but watching a semi-anorexic woman with sticks

I would not be surprised if he just didn't bother with excuses and made Christmas a year-round thing without any explanation whatsoever.

Well, from what I've heard about the books, the show apparently actually toned down on the nuttiness when it came to Dexter's Dark Passenger and all that stuff. Not sure whether that's a good or a bad thing tbh.

YAY, Strike Back is, well, back!

Oh, definitely. I think two more great seasons would have been possible though, they seemed to have enough material. But yeah, I don't want it to overstay its welcome either. I'm currently watching the final season of Strike Back, and while I still enjoy the show, I think it's good that it's the last season, they've

Yeah, I was personally hoping for a nice five seasons. Season 3 really was phenomenal.

I was hoping for a breezy five-season run personally. Season 3 was so awesome I think two more seasons of awesome would have been possible. Ah well, such is life. I am thankful for getting four seasons at all I suppose.

Fucking goddammit, Nonononono! NO! Fuckshitcocksuckergoddammit, NO!

Haha, that would be really bad policework indeed.

Oh yes, definitely. I don't think she's a bad person or is doing the wrong thing, I'm more talking about my emotional response to the character based on how the whole thing plays out on screen, what's what feels a bit off to me.

Indeed, hence my remark about who the audience is probably supposed to sympathise with. I do sympathise with Velcoro due to how the show is written (and possibly because Farrell is doing a pretty decent job with what he's given), and I did stop to think about the whole thing just like you said and that's when things

Hole in the World is probably the most devastating combination of episode title and episode content that I've come across yet. So wonderfully soul-crushing.

Yeah, they don't strike me as dudes who are going to look kindly on that. Although Frank has actual reason to talk to cops, can't really buy cops without communicating with them. But yes, if they get impression that it's too friendly… bad for Frank.

I think it's going to come back at some point, but I have a very slight hope that it won't be sucking up a ton of screentime in the last two episodes. But yes, I doubt we have heard the absolute last of it (I'm kinda leaning towards Ray being the biological father tbh.).