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Yeah, that was my thought as well. Even if they do remember some stuff, having been under the influence of a drug which fucks with your memory will make them rather unreliable witnesses if it ever comes to that.

Yeah, that was a nice bit. Frank must have thought "But dudes, couldn't you have killed her after I had talked to her?" But hey, he now has some new drug trade partners!

Well, I read the Game of Thrones reviews this season and then commented and still haven't gotten around to watching season 5, some people are just a bit weird like that. :D

Very glad that Ray's custody nonsense seems to be over. Somehow making the rape victim seem like the bad guy and the dude who went on a vigilante murder spree (okay, killing one dude is not really a spree, but you get my point) and has probably done all kinds of other bad shit seem like the good guy (with respect to

Have to say, I rather enjoyed the conversation between Ray and Frank in the beginning, from Frank calling out Ray on how murder was his own decision and he was just given a name to them not actually really wanting to shoot each other but still not being absolutely sure whether the other guy was going to pull the

Oh, now that you point it out I feel silly, of course that's were this is going!

Ah yes, no better motivation to solve the murder of some random dude than having a sister/wife/girlfriend/fiancée end up in a fridge, true.

Indeed. Anyone can mention anyone else in any document. Having signatures on there is a lot more juicy.

Isn't that how sex parties work? Dear lord, I have been mislead! I've never been invited to one, all I know about sex parties is what I've learned from Hollywood and some French films.

Ani entered the party as Athena Bezzerides, and there’s no reason to think Blake and his goons won’t come after her sister for her attack on a high-rolling client.

Yeah, I've suspected that for a while too, at this point I'd be more surprised if Ray was not the father if I'm being honest.

I was more thinking a long the lines of Velcoro being very torn up about it and/or poetic reasons. He killed a (presumably) innocent person after all, the screenwriting universe might demand retribution for that. Obviously nothing is guaranteed until it's done though.

I didn't really take the cutaway as Velcoro kililng Pitlor, just delivering more punches. Not sure what it was meant to imply, but that's what I took away from it.

I find it especially hilarious and jarring in the scenes at an episode's opening: Reese is undercover somewhere or just generally doing observation on the latest PoI, and then he discusses info about said PoI with Finch to clue in the audience on what is going on when it's plainly obvious that said information really

Yup, that's pretty much the only part of that theory which is a bit on wobbly legs I think. But as you say, if he didn't know anyone in transpo and had to bring it back himself, probably couldn't take that much.

You mean Frank telling Velcoro who hurt his wife and Velcoro then going after that guy and being on the hook with Frank? I must admit I did not see quite how it would come back to bite Velcoro (and Frank, I suppose) in the ass, but considering how much it was mentioned in the first few episodes I was definitely sure

I second that motion.

Oh, that actually sounds like a nice theory, I like that.

Nope, indeed not. I would definitely say that it was not a sound plan, fully agreed.

He might have some trust issues at this point maybe, I thought.