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That was my take on it as well. That act of horribleness definitely didn't do any good for his soul in the first place, and I think he was aware of that, however necessary he had considered it to be.

That was what I made of it, that the money was probably stolen. There was a ton of cash being handed out to warlords and tribal leaders in Afghanistan and Iraq, so I just concluded that he'd taken some of that for himself.

Don't forget all the booze vapors which were released into the environment when that guy was opened up. Astonishing he didn't combust, now that I think about it.

The law of inverse argument squares: How right you are is inversely proportional to the square of the distance between you and your opponent's nose tips:

Oh, I like this idea. Maybe somebody can do a fan cut of the season when it's done to fit this structure!

All in good time? Yeah, hopefully.

Definitely tricky to strike the right balance, indeed. And you'll never manage to do it right for everyone.

"more about revealing why these people are working together."

Yeah, first episode just took too long to get going for my tastes. From episode 2 onwards I'd probably have trimmed a few bits off here and there, but might have left the overall structure mostly intact.

Yeah, I think the season could have used some fat-trimming. More focus on the central mystery, less annoying side stories.

Should I be a bit apologetic then?

I have to admit, in hindsight it really does seem a pretty obvious place to go for the show given how much importance the event was given in the first four episodes. But alas, I missed it too.

Somebody loaded Caspere's body into a car and drove it around for an episode, then placed it in a pretty public place. Criminal logic doesn't really seem to have been high on those guys' list of priorities I think.

I don't really mind Vaughn to be honest, I just think he's given too much screentime and too many ridiculous lines of dialogue. In smaller doses I think I'd be pretty okay with his side of the plot. In general the whole "cops and robbers solve the same crime from their respective sides" trope is one I usually tend to

A fair point, yes. I'm from central Europe, so pawn shops aren't really a thing here, but I suppose I've just always glossed over their inner workings and filled in the blanks with some smoke so I don't notice the holes too much.

The moment Frank and his wife sort-of reconciled in the club I thought she was a goner at the hands of those Mexicans. At first I thought Frank was going to come home to her corpse when she went home before him, then same as you, I thought the Mexicans were coming for a visit at the end of the episode.

I think the money might have been stolen since he mentioned he brought it back from Afghanistan, so he might not have wanted it to show up in any bank's system. I recall there going a lot of cash around to tribal leaders and warlords etc., maybe he took some of that for himself.

"It took this season a couple of episodes to get off the ground."

Yeah, when it comes to family relationships, or just close relationships in general, blind spots are quite common I'd say, and then the logic thing to do is not often not the thing you end up doing.

Well, we all have to find our niche, don't we!