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I don't think the point behind the diamonds has been completely revealed yet, but I think going by the info we have so far that seems to be a not completely unreasonable guess.

Yeah, that really was impressive, he's doing a pretty damn good job with the role IMHO.

That explains quite a lot actually.

Yup, that's what I make of this as well.

Well, Woodrough has actually been shown to be a pretty competent detective I think. Not like, best ever, but competent. However, when it comes to weird family relationships, blind spots and stupid decisions are not uncommon, especially not in Hollywood.

Yup, one can say what one will about season 2 in general, but those two have ben pretty damn good in their roles IMHO. Farrell's face when he found out about his wife's rapist being caught? Bloody hell!

Yeah, I don't mind Paul when he's in competent detective mode, but his private life I'm not too interested in.

Yeah, when you condense the plot down to its essentials, really not that much seems to have happened so far.

On one hand, I have a few characters I'm invested in at this point, which is good and should keep me watching until season's end. While I'm not really keen on the custody battle in Velcoro's side plot, his undoing due to him (presumably) killing the wrong guy is something I'm looking forward to. Velcoro beating the cra

His face in that scene was fantastic, and yes, overall I think Farrell is doing a pretty good job so far. I'm not too keen on the custody battle, but I am looking forward to his (presumed) undoing due to him (presumably) having killed the wrong guy.

European soccer/football leagues don't have playoffs though. At least the ones I'm aware of. I am admittedly not really into the whole sports thing, so I'm sure there's lots I don't know though. There is often a secondary championship though which is round-based elimination (best of 2^whatever, …, 32, 16, 8,

Oh lord, I hope not. I will admit to occasionally indulging in over-flourishing pointless verbiage though.

Well, yes, but I didn't want to be too crude. There might be people reading this after all.

It's the reverse timeline effect. Doing a flashback and then jumping back to the present will create the illusion that time in the actual story line has indeed moved forward. Fascinating stuff!

Was common sense ever truly alive in the first place though? It seems to me like that stayed forever a mere figment of an imaginary dream born of a fictitious wish to have a delusional desire.

So, basically, HBO is going to decapitate a Disney princess? Hm, I am intrigued.

Rickon. Yeah, that guy hasn't been seen in ages I think. I'm sure he'll be re-introduced so that they can chop off his head in season 7.

More importantly: When will it get raped, tortured, castrated and humiliated, then labelled as having gotten "significant character development"?

Now if they could show that story instead of whatever boring bits they're going to come up with next season, hell yeah!

Or a vision by Bran? He has to get something to do.