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Dude, don't say stuff like that, they could hear you and think it's a great idea!

*trailer guy voice*

Yeah, could be. My point is more that assault rifle ammo basically goes through cars like paper, unless it hits the motor block or another massive object. But yeah, it is so common at this point for cars to provide good cover in Hollywood that I reckon many people would complain about a lack of realism if they

Same here. I was in my teens when I saw that movie for the first time, and besides knowing some of the actors I knew pretty much nothing about the film. I can't recall a bigger "Holy shit!" moment for me either if I'm being honest. It was just, well, "Holy shit!" :D

Thought not, thanks for the first-hand information, much appreciated.

Aha, much obliged, thank you.

Just wait and see, he's going to use footage from this episode and say it's from a documentary about Hispanic crime taking over US cities.

When the time comes, Donald Trump will use this footage on his campaign trail and say it's from a documentary about Hispanic crime taking over US cities. You just wait and see.

So I'm not the only one who rolled his eyes 720 degrees on that line? I thought so. I get that the dialog isn't supposed to be realistic, but when it's overdone, I'm really ripped right out of the show.

Yeah, same here. I also really appreciated that Velcoro and Paul didn't put their guns down when the final bad guy had his gun on that hostage. I fucking despise that trope.

Don't forget Ani's

Bonus points for Banshee.

Bonus points for Banshee.

It was the cop who was with Ani, not Paul. I just rewatched the scene to be sure.

You are correct.

Wasn't Paul, it was the guy who was with Ani. Just rewatched it to be sure.

Yeah, I thought her reactions in that sequence were very believable. She did not seem eager at all to take on that guy merely with a knife.

Yeah, the bystanders bothered me a bit as well. There's a shootout a few blocks away, and an explosion, and they still seemed completely surprised when shit hit the fan where they were.

I freaking loved it. When they were walking up to the warehouse, I was dreading a foot chase sequence (usually rather bored by those, with few exceptions). As in, they breach, sort-of secure the scene, then the guy they want escapes, and so on and so forth.

Yay, I'm not alone, both in knowing that movie and appreciating its shootout choreography!