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It's kinda funny, each season I wonder how much worse things will turn out for Team Machine than on the previous season finale. Haven't been let down yet.
(Not that I want Team Machine to lose, but it does make the show rather exciting indeed.)

Ha, I knew it! The Machine was distributed!

It could be, it's certainly not unambiguous. I haven't read the comics, so I don't really have any background knowledge on her, but it seems a few people got the impression (including me) that she might not be quite human, which could allow for the possibility that she meant it literally.
Until the season's end I

Yes, I'd reckon the way to defeat Elias is just not to let him play his games and put a bullet in his head as soon as you get the chance. But hey, he's a sneaky fucker, so he might take that into account and deliver retribution from beyond the grave, so who knows… :D

Well it was a victory for the machine and Harold, with the whole "I taught the machine to protect itself" thing. But yes, it was a temporary victory at best, what with the whole Samaritan aftermath, hence why I said "the closest thing to victory".

Harper is a character I love to hate, I'm looking forward to when she bites the dust. That is, if she bites the dust,

Personally, of course I want The Machine to win in the long run, but to be honest I'm actually kind of excited about the possibility of its (temporary) defeat and what that might mean for the show's world.

I have been speculating in that direction for a while (basically ever since the S2 finale where it was revealed that The Machine had relocated itself to wherever), that in fact The Machine is no longer centrally located on any server farm, but is instead by now a distributed system running everywhere, all the time.

I must admit I really like Greer seemingly being a true believer and flat-out admitting his disposability. So many times we've seen people try to upset the established order only to establish basically the same thing again only now with them in power (which is why I also loved the moment last season when we got the

I don't really have any feelings about Dominic, good or bad, but I must admit I really like him as a foil for Elias, and of course I do love Elias. I greatly enjoy him getting the better of Dom, who is clever, but as you say not quite as clever as he thinks he is.

I must admit I saw Elias' play come a mile away, the only thing I wasn't quite sure about was whether he was going to finger Link or the girl lieutenant. Not that it still wasn't a fun moment, I love it when his plans come together, they do tend to have a certain je-ne-sais-quoi to them, so to speak.

It's not really the TV show, there isn't all that much happening in the books either at this stage apparently (I haven't read the books, but that's what I've been told, and I've spent quite a bit of time on the wiki). Large parts of the story at this point seem to primarily serve to get the pieces into place for the

Happy to be of service. :-)

Very much agreed. I expect him to be very much a radical, but one who is keenly aware of how to play the game of power, which on occasion requires the pretense of a modicum of reasonability.

Without spoiling the books, I can say that while the show diverges somewhat in the specifics, the general political concept of the Boltons marrying into the Stark heritage to solidify their control of the North is present in the books as well, that hasn't really changed. I hope that's vague enough while still

I'd rather see violence done to people than to puppies to be honest. Not that I endorse it, but for some reason bad shit happening to people bothers me less than when it happens to our four-legged friends (not just dogs btw.), both in real life and fictional universes.
No idea why to be honest, but such is life.

Yeah, usually these sorts of fearless reporter types just need to show enough spine and they can get away with almost anything. I liked Ben, so his death didn't please me in the sense of that I wanted him to die, but I must admit I liked that for once, one of those fearless reporters actually met a villain who didn't

A very sad state of affairs indeed, yes. My point was more that while people probably wouldn't end up constantly talking about it or mentioning it, the info is at least out there, and somebody like Matt probably isn't indifferent about those events.

Since I never read the comics I'm probably less attached to Urich than those who have or do, but I must admit I had grown fond of the character over the course of the show (so to clarify me earlier statement a bit, my annoyance was with the trope of fearless reporter types with unreasonable amount of plot armour, not

Oh yes, very much so, we have enough of that in the MCU already. I didn't really /mind/ his theme, I'd just have liked to see it fleshed out a bit more is all.