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Yeah, I don't really bother with the GoT comment section, it's just too much work to go through, which is a bit unfortunate.

I think He Who Shall Not Be Named just spawned in an executive board room as a fully-formed old man and that was that.

I loved that Fisk wasn't there to make empty threats. "Fearless reporter does not back down despite being threatened and gets to live because plot armour" is a bit of a tired trope in my opinion, I was very excited when Fisk said "…I'm here to kill you." (possibly paraphrased) and jumped at him, loved that moment.

I must admit I would have liked to see more of Fisk's actual plan in the show, it really is so vague. Blow up some buildings and then go for gentrification? Seems like there would be simpler ways to go about it if that were his only objective.

And here I was waiting for Aria to ride a dragon, silly me!

Killing off Urich was a great moment IMO.

Very much agreed. Karen really isn't somebody who should just shrug off the taking of another human life, regardless of how much duress she was under.

I'm not sure resourceful is absolutely the right word, but being presented with an opportunity is one thing (Wesley being confident enough to place a loaded gun there, then the phone ringing and distracting him, so that's the luck part I'd say), she needed to exploit it quickly and correctly as well, and considering

So I am indeed not the only one who noticed, thank you!

Well it sort of got imported into the comics from reali life (or at least what some authors seemed to fantasize real life should be like, with them as the heroes maybe?), so having it on the show would just bring them a bit closer to realising their original goal, having it played out by actual huimans instead of just

Was it just me or were Wesley's ears really, really red in this episode, especially in the hospital scenes?

Yeah, I don't have a wife to brag to, but same, the culprit seemed pretty obvious to me.

Yeah, I loved it (and Wesley in general), and was admittedly rather surprised by his permanent demise.

I was rather impressed by the guy playing Melvin Potter. Childlike, but still terrifying because he could totally tear me in half even without those saw blades. Very nice work.

Damn, I will miss Wesley…

Yeah, that was a fun little moment.

Yes, I wasn't specifically going for the crime drama angle, just story telling in general.

Yeah, I saw Guardians a few months after it came out, having read all the hype (well, lots of it, at least), and was a tad underwhelmed I will admit. I didn't think it was bad per se, but I just kinda didn't see that cinematic masterpiece in there people had been talking about.

Despite its deficiencies, I found myself enjoying MoS overall. However, self-important is definitely an attribute I'd assign to it, fully agreed. Plus, despite enjoying the movie for the most part, it's a shame how much wasted potential there was. Ah well, such is life.

We must bring this to the attention of an interviewer for one of those press tour thingies he has to do!