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Haha, I feel for ya!

I remember reading an article on Cracked of all places a while ago about issues facing the blind, which, as you rightly point out, covers a wide range of visual impairments and doesn't always mean that you have zero optical perception of your surroundings.
And indeed one of the more frequent problems seems to be that

Yeah, that one stung as well. The difference between the two (to me, at least, and I acknowledge that this is a very personal thing, so your mileage may vary) is that I'm not absolutely sure if Foggy really does think Matt blew up those buildings.

I think out of all the lines they exchanged in their confrontation, that one was the one which I felt had the most horrifying impact.
Being able to lie to people and keeping secrets is such a large part of our identity, having that taken away from you by your closest friend seems like a huge violation of your personal

Given the attention span people have these days it seems very likely that the shock has worn off and the conversations which normal people will have about this have been had at this point, yes.

Yes, fair point. But binging and then writing the reviews does allow to see things in the larger context of the season, which isn't always a bad thing. The downside is that the reviewer might spoil some things through a seemingly innocuous remark, the upside is that if there's some parts of an episode which will only

Didn't Black Widow release a ton of info on SHIELD and Hydra to the general public in Winter Soldier though?
Personally I still think the show could be set either before or after Winter Soldier. On one hand, yes, it was a pretty damn big event, on the other hand, Daredevil is rather tightly focused in its geography, so

I think one of the issues with these staggered reviews of binge-releases is that the reviewer can't even really speculate anymore, because most readers will assume he/she has seen the entire season already, thus any speculation will be taken as fact, and any "fake speculation" (i.e. where reviewer pretends to

Yeah, I know some people don't like his speech pattern, but personally I love it. There's just something weirdly magnetic about it to me.

Precisely! I'm a heterosexual dude, but hell if somebody were to ask me if Tim Olyphant is attractive, I'd just feel silly answering with a "No".
Or, to bring up an example with some more weirdness: I'd definitely classify my brothers as attractive dudes, but that doesn't even remotely mean I'm attracted to them. Yeah,

I think he mentions in one episode (one of the next ones I believe) that he knew about the gym, so that's quite plausible to me.

Well the British nobles spoke mostly French for quite a while after the Norman invasion in 1066 if I remember my history right, so that might have had something to do with it? The upper class conversing mostly in French and the lower in English; I could see that having an impact on something like this (English being

Good point, yes. I suppose it might be possible that I care a little less about that than others.Not that I'm some sort of linguistic uber-rebel. Of course I wouldn't walk into a job interview spouting profanities or somesuch.
But yeah, I just find the whole taboo on foul language rather amusing (not just in English,

As a non-native English speaker I find the general fear towards that word and its forms utterly hilarious, especially because I actually use it in my own language quite frequently (yes, I speak/hear/write/read English so much that it has started to seep into my native tongue, such is life; I even mix entire sentence

I don't have a problem with Foggy being skeptical about the mask's intentions and all that, I just found it a bit contrived that he easily believed the press statements about the mask being a terrorist when he seemed to be keenly aware of Fisk's influence on police and media, and so quickly dismissed Karen's opinion

Fair point, but it's not like this is unique to Spanish. I'm sure the Chinese languages are butchered severely on many occasions.

Oh yeah, absolutely. In the end there are only so many fundamentally different stories you can tell, all the rest are just variations of a few themes.

Oh, that is actually a very good point, hadn't considered that. Thanks!

Yeah, fully agreed, Foggy dismisses Karen's opinion much too easily, same goes for accepting the official story about the terrorist thing. For somebody who values Karen as much as he presumably does, he's really rather disrespectful about this with her.