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Ah, very interesting, thanks!

Well, I suppose it does indeed depend on what model you get, naturally. The ones I've had so far have been very good to me though.

Wesley is just freaking awesome IMO. One of my favourites on the show.

Aside from the situation not really allowing any on-the-spot reflection on Nobu's fiery death, I think one distinction they might have been going for, as you say, is assassination vs. killing somebody who's there to kill you, and I do think there is one to me made. Seeking somebody out specifically to kill them is (at

Yeah, these reviews have some decent length, unlike the ones for the latest season of House of Cards, which were a bit on the short side for my taste.

Yeah, I really like D'Onofrio's performance, so much that during the episode the flashbacks didn't really bother me, I only noticed it in hindsight when I thought about it a bit more.

Indeed. I'm not at all complaining about it, just thought I'd point out we've seen that before on a few occasions. But yeah, good point.

Ah, the pitfalls of internet communication…

From personal experience (prolonged health troubles) I can say that the occasional seemingly tasteless and inappropriate quip can make life a bit more bearable, gallow's humour and all that.

True, the Avengers team has been about that one event, but at least some of them are still doing things on their own. Cap seemed to do SHIELD missions before and up to Winter Soldier (which I presume wasn't about crime fighting and more about whatever SHIELD is generally up to), Hulk had his little destruction run in

I've actually had pretty good experiences with their business models in the past decade or so. ;)

It's not a TV show, but for the most part Tony seems to enjoy being Iron Man I think.

Nope, nothing wrong with that in my book. I'm not sure if they're my absolute favourites, but their arc over the season is definitely one of my favourite things about the show.

Yeah, he was definitely having some great fun in that movie. Probably another reason it's my favourites among the MCU films so far.

She had some nice scenes, and I did rather like her rivalry with Gamora, yes.

Yeah, when she said that line I just thought it might be boasting, but taken in contex with her last appearance on the show, if there's something more to her, I thought that indeed she might actually have been telling the truth.

Yeah, there's no way Tony builds a robot who's supposed to save the world without his personality seeping through to at least some extent.

Since I haven't read the comics I can't really judge them. But yes, the points I listed weren't really about "generic crime drama" per se, but rather more general common tropes.

Oh, right, good catch!

If I never hear about a hero's or villain's daddy (or mommy) issues again, it will be too many times.