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I shall burn it into my memory!

Totally agree on both points. I never really connected with Ronan, he was just… kinda there, and pissed, and that was pretty much it. I watched GotG only a few months after release, and after having read all the hype I'll admit I was kinda underwhelmed. I liked it, but same as you, it wasn't love.

Ah yes, thank you! Now that you mention it, I'm absolutely emotionally invested again in that plot, I totally care so much about all of those things (I mean, who wouldn't)!

Yeah, that was freaking awesome!

"Loyal and competent right-hand man" is one of my favourite tropes, top 3 at least I'd say.

Luckily, Vanessa understand the situation and will patiently wait for Wilson to get out and join her again, and then they will finally be together and happy!

Good point, it's more about what they do and have done to them than how long they're on screen. Still, I wouldn't mind having both; more time with the villains, and them doing more interesting stuff (I mean, I can't for the life of me recall what the bad guy in Guardians of the Galaxy was about, and I actually liked

Yeah, I think Marvel is a bit too caught up in the awesomeness of and hype around their protagonists, so they rather neglect their antagonists. Thing is, having awesome protagonists and milquetoast villains gets old fast, no matter how much bombast and destruction you pack it in.

Good point. Plus, despite the dislike he seems to gather from some people for the comic relief sidekick thing, I thought he and Karen were utterly adorable in their bar scene in episode 2.


So I'm not the only one who thinks there's something a bit off with her? Excellent. There was something rather odd about how she behaved and disappeared in her last appearance on this show, at least to me. Definitely intrigued to see her again.

His and Vanessa's relationship is one of the things about the show I really like.

I'm not sure if I'd pick him over Fisk (nor am I sure I wouldn't, to be honest), but yeah, I definitely think he's part of what makes me like this show so much.

Absolutely agree, yes.

Yup, if you get James Spader you better let him loose and deliver some awesomeness.

I'm not necessarily just talking about the MCU, just really story-telling in general. But yeah, good catch. :)

Yeah, that was pure awesome!

Well, off the top of my head I get:
- hero protagonist with guilt issues, can kick serious ass, has secret identity
- girl who knows secret identity because medicine woman when hero needs her
- female sort-of love interest he can't or won't have because reasons
- male civilian comic relief sidekick
- villain with a goal

Haha, now that is a great question.