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Or, as I like to call it: UMUR (Unscheduled Massive Urban Redevelopment)

You know what I want? I want a spin-off of Fisk, Owsley, Wesley and Vanessa traveling around the globe and raining down destruction on fellow criminals and their organisations.

Yeah, but somehow that's just not as satisfying as doing it yourself I reckon.

Ah, the pitfalls of internet communication, thanks for clearing that up.

Oh, I hadn't thought of that, but that would actually make quite a bit of sense. Sort of like relying on Wesley for his choice in alcoholic Italian beverages.

I have a serious weakness for the "loyal right-hand man" trope, so I rather enjoy Wesley. But yeah, I get where you're coming from.

I must admit I wasn't too overwelmed by the flashbacks, they were just a tad bit too cliché for me. However, I really adore D'Onofrio in the role, and I am captivated enough by present-day Fisk that the flashbacks didn't end up dragging the episode down for me (hell, that head-bashing scene was fricking awesome and

Not even King Joffrey? I mean, I know he didn't go out that way, but still… ;)

i must admit that I think the reviewer makes some valid points about Fisk's flashbacks being a bit too cliché, however I really love D'Onofrio's performance as Fisk, so I still ended up absolutely enjoying this episode (and contrary to the reviewer I am not tired of hearing that piece of classical music ;)).

Maybe very slight spoiler:
Question which posed itself to me as I finished the season: Is Gao actually human?

I rather liked that the writers still had Stick end up going through with murdering the child instead of going for the cop-out "Matt stopped him, now Stick will be annoyed but the kid lives and all is well" trope.
Not that I approve of child-murdering, but you get what I mean. ;-)

Killer could have taken them off Chase? I mean, he must have known Chase came by car and therefore had keys.

I'm pretty sure that once somebody who's close to him and has seen him in both roles (say, Karen) would actually stop and think about it they'd figure it out, my line of thinking is more along the lines of
1) nobody every thinks these things about their friends unless the evidence is really, really, riduculously strong

Yah, I'd figured something like that, just wasn't sure if there was actually a canon explanation for it or if they just kinda make things up as they go along.

Ah yes, right, I vaguely recall something like that. Suspend my disbelief I shall then!

Yeah, it's not like it's hugely annoying or anything. It's just that I once almost had my ear drums blown out by a few recruits who thought they'd start shooting before I had my hearing protection on, so ever since then I kinda notice that. But yeah, still totally loving the show.

Look at it this way: Even in a universe where Iron Man exists, when you meet Matt after having met Daredeil, would you really go "Oh, he sounds kinda similar like that crazy ninja dude. Yeah, that guy could totally be a blind person, suuuure."?

Is it just me who finds it rather weird that Matt with his super-sensitive hearing doesn't go insane at close-by gunshots? Or is that somehow explained at some point in the comics?

Yes, I can live very happily with this finale. Man, what a ride it has been. So sad it's over, but so glad that it went out on such a high note. What a time to be alive…

Small little detail I appreciated: Delving straight into the episode without the opening narration from Finch. You know shit's about to get heavy when a show does something like that usually.