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I think the show runners have mentioned that ideally they'd like to go for six seasons at some point? Not 100% sure anymore though. But yeah, that's a whole lot of death, if true.

Wow, I really loved this episode, it was just… beautiful.

I mostly acknowledge the objective quality of season 2, but honestly, after a recent rewatch of the show, I didn't actually enjoy that season all that much, much to my surprise.
Funnily enough, I enjoyed season 3 the most, even though it might not objecitvely be "the best", closely followed by season 4.

Honestly, I think season 3 is probably so far the season I've most enjoyed rewatching. I'm not necessarily saying it's the objectively best of the bunch, but for some reason I just enjoyed it the most.

I would like to say something smart, insightful and meaningful, but honestly, I'll just settle for "Fucking hell, I will miss this snow!"

It has some great moments. The problem is that sea battles are very expensive to produce, so there really isn't that much pirating being done, and a ton of time is spent on people who don't like each other talking to each other about how much they neither like nor trust each other, but that they for some convoluted

Yes, I think by bowing out after six seasons, they have likely done a great service to the show and its legacy.

Yes, I really liked how that connected back to his personal life instead of just being some expensive piece of art he buys because he can.

I just looked at the scene again where Urich looks at that front page and I think there's actually a destroyed Leviathan in it (well, a Leviathan crashing into a building). I'm not 100% sure because it's a bit difficult to tell, but that's what it looks like to me at least.

To me it did feel like a proper season 1 ending. The hero has conquered (for now, at least) his first truly great foe, has acquired his uniform and is now ready to venture out into the world as the character which is more familiar to us.

Well just because you know how to cook an omelette you're not necessarily knowledgeable about wine. Speaking from personal experience, there is definitely stuff I can cook and impress people with, but I don't really know too much about wines to be honest (and even if you do know some stuff about wines, could be that

Yeah, that was a nice touch. I also really like that he admitted it to Vanessa and didn't try to impress her with fake wine mojo (or however one calls that :D).
Sure he's not the master of dating (or at least portrays himself as such, especially when he initially asks her out and on their first date), but he's still a

I got the impression that Wynn is indeed going to go after the money, and yes, my money isn't on him surviving that last bit of hubris at the moment.

I haven't read the books, but done some reading on various wikis, so…

Also, upvote from me for these reviews! I much prefer the one-review-per-episode-per-day style than how it was done on the latest season of House of Cards. Most viewers will probably finish the show way ahead of the reviews, but by being able to come back each day for two weeks to discuss the show it feels like a nice

I must admit I really like how Fisk is humanised over the course of this show. It somehow gives those moments when he truly unleashes his inner monster much more impact.

Agreed, he's pretty damn good in that role. Aside from being able to deliver a fierce ass-kicking on occasion, I love his speech pattern and mannerisms. They carry just a slight dose of awkwardness without making him seem pathetic, and for the most part he still exudes confidence and commands respect (the lone

Holy crap, I had been basically calling him that for ages, but had never bothered to check if Lawful Stupid was actually a thing, thank you!

Glad to know I'm not the only one. They're just so hauntingly beautiful.

Well, I must admit that the effectiveness of his senses seems a tad super-power-ish to me, but yes, for the most part he's a mere mortal without a metal suit or any other fancy gadgets, just a kickass guy dishing out and taking damage.