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Hm, now that you mention that, it feels really weird thinking about those two shows being set in the same continuity. Well, same goes for other MCU properties I suppose, this show really is something rather different, and I am very happy about that. But yeah, kinda weird thinking about that.

Ah, right, I seem to recall reading about that a while back. And yeah, the Catholics have the advantage of the pope, and what he says is true.
Other religions with a much less centralised organisation might encounter a bit more turmoil in their belief system from such news.

Hm, interesting point, I never thought about this show taking place before that (though of course it's completely possible) and just implicitly assumed it continued the ongoing timeline.

I think one possible difference between 9/11 and the attack on NY in the Avengers is that while that specific attack was a surprise regarding place and time, SHIELD and with it probably quite a few world leaders already knew about the existence of aliens and that not all of those were likely to be friendly towards

Same here, I thought they were fantastic together in that bar scene.

I'm a male in his late twenties who's been told he has a heart of stone, but holy freaking crap I just couldn't help myself finding Karen and Foggy all kinds of adorable together.

Michelle Fairley seems to be of the opinion that Catelyn is indeed dead dead, not just kinda dead. The article is more about Stoneheart not being in season 4, but there's a quote from her in it too:

Is that… safe?

Indeed, I almost felt myself getting exhausted, the wear and tear on Matt's body and soul felt so tangible to me. Phenomenal work from all parties involved.

Yeah, I love the fights in this one. He actually seems to be throwing proper punches, you really get a sense of the energy in the fights, and the physicality of it.

I thought the main fight in episode 2 (the hallway) was particularly impressive. Both the choreography and camerawork were very competent, and additionally I really got a sense for how exhausted he was due to all the damage he had suffered and was being inflicted with.

Personally I consider Winter Soldier to be a pretty damn good action/spy movie which just so happens to be set in the MCU. Not that it's flawless, but very few movies and tv-shows are if one looks closely enough.

The main fight in episode 2 was pretty damn impressive I think, both choreography and camerawork.

Yeah, same for me, especially his and Woll's chemistry in ep2 was great I thought, they were pretty damn adorable together, especailly in the bar scene.

Well I just hope it has better security than our actual real-life cloud services… Samaritan seems to be brewing up a rather determined attack it seems.

Yeah, I must admit I was very astonished that the guy survived. Seven freaking bullets to the torso. Others have died from a .22 to the arm due to a nicked artery FFS!

With Wynn apparently deciding to go into Harlan instead of running I am no longer so sure he'll make it out alive, but yeah, Wynn and Tim ("The Wynning Tim"?) would totally be a show I'd watch.

Haha, we have certainly seen more ridiculous things. I mean, everybody on PoI seems to have some sort of super-fast healing power, almost like Wolverine, so why not super solar cells?
Nerdy side note: Dumping excess heat in space is actually not as easy as one may think at first, if I remember my physics right. Space

I think the Machine saved the painting because Harold liked it, not necessarily just for the sake of saving art?

Oh yeah, she has definitely been seriously affected by her upbringing. On the other hand, it seems to me that she has also seen enough of the destruction it can bring to one's life first-hand to be aware of its potential pitfalls. I mean, she has been portrayed as pretty smart for the most part I'd think? In over her