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True, but it's not like she was forced to go into the weed business in the first place. She got all that money from Mags, surely if she wanted to live a more… conventional life (for lack of a better term, apologies), she could have chosen to do so?

I don't mind Bob, in small doses. Some throwaway line in the finale about how he'll be fine would be perfectly adequate for me. I was rather annoyed when they introduced him I'll admit though. I'm generally not a fan of the "lovable doofus" stereotype, but they have developed the character into somebody who's more

Yeah, hence my "they might be implying something completely different" disclaimer. It still has to be connected somehow, as you say, or else it couldn't tap into all that sweet data nectar.

Hm, now that would be quite something. Although it would have had to go through very serious compression to fit on satellites, even if it were to put itself on everything in orbit with a storage device (it used to require a rather large facility after all), plus could likely only run with minimal capacities due to the

Although selling a rare item like that might draw some unwanted attention…

I wonder why the Machine told Root to destroy the egg though if it just wanted the briefcase. I drew the same conclusion, that the briefcase was the objective, I just found it weird that the egg "had" to be destroyed.

"Unless you know Vazquez fantasizes of somehow absconding with the money…"

Yeah, that's the impression I've gotten too.

And now that briefcase is just sitting there, ominously placed in Team Machine HQ. I wonder if that'll come up again…

Dear god, I twitch each time one of those one-liners comes up. But then again, the dialogue on this show is kinda network-y and procedural-y at times, or at least iti seems that way to me.

So, Greer saying the Machine is "not any network devices in the world" sounds an awful lot like the Machine decentralised itself back when Team Machine met that empty warehouse where her servers used to be?
Would by funny, because that has been what I've been thinking ever since then. Or of course, they're talking

I think there might have been potential there, but she really never did get to do all that much, and unlike other characters of whom I desperately wanted to see more over the years, I've actually been okay with that.

A few years back, there was a shooting accident on a police shooting range around here. Some officers were firing confiscated weapons, one of them being an Uzi, if I remember right. Since full-auto weapons are illegal here, even stuff like an Uzi or an assault rifle is usually semi-auto in the version you can

Well, Bob has been known to make slip-ups before…

I think most of the Marshals there are aware that Raylan is… unorthodox, and occasionally does some shit he shouldn't do, but they don't seem to agree with Vazquez that Raylan colluded with Ava to steal that money and is dirty. That's the vibe I get from that.

You maybe liked Boyd because Walton Goggins is fucking magnificent in that role! :D

Vasquez apparently thinks that Raylan was in cahoots with Ava in stealing Markham's money, and warned her about Vasquez reneging on the CI deal (which is true).

Have the Autobots take souvenirs from Earth and talk about the good ol' times when they could kick back as being a Chevy Camaro Model model 2011 (or whatever)?

I swear by all that is unholy, if I hear Optimus Prime wax on about humanity's potential for greatness one more fucking time I'm going to go into the movie business, become a famous director/producer/whatever and make a Transformers movie where the decepticons win and finally wipe out both humanity and the autobots

Will they finally dispose of the token human characters and just set the movie in space and on foreign planets? That might actually get me interested in this.