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Yeah, somehow it seemed a bit weird how readily Markham was willing to let go of that cash.

That was freaking gold. Funny thing is, I had completely forgotten he did that when I rewatched the show recently. I had a vague memory that something was going to go belly-up with that money, but couldn't remember the specifics. So being surprised again by that side plot was lots of fun indeed.

Not sure. On one hand, he's a career criminal, so yeah, why not. On the other hand, his plan is to grow weed once it's legalized in Kentucky if I remember right? Building that legal enterprise on the very shaky foundations of fake cash seems a bit tricky (though, again, he's a criminal, so maybe he wouldn't care, or

Baboons have some wicked fierce jaws and teeth, he'd probably get mauled to death rather than beaten. :D

Indeed. He has been feeling the walls closing in, and that is not healthy for somebody like him, nor for the people around him.

Yup. Only when Ellen May explicitly mentioned to Ava that she would never speak about Delroy's murder to anyone did Ava finally get afraid enough for Boyd to tell Colt to kill Ellen May.

You are right, yes. I just skimmed through episode 4 of season 4, and at first Boyd tries to dissuade Ava from killing Ellen May. Although at that point Ava seemed more panicked about the situation than outright cold-blooded.

I got that impression too, yes. The hunting trip, his recent outbursts at her, his callousness towards Carl and Earl being used as bait for the Marshals, Dewey's necklace… it all seemed to build to her realisation that Boyd is not a safe person to be around.

Fuckin' right. Just because you got beat up by your husband does not give you the right to do all the shit she's done.

Oh, great point!

And that is when you know that you are watching great TV.

He did nudge her towards disposing of Ellen May to some extent and arranged for Colt to kill her (twice), but yeah, I got the impression that even though he agreed about getting rid of Ellen May he was taken aback by Ava's cold-bloodedness on a few occasions.

Oh, also: That scene between Ava and Limehouse when she comes to pick up Ellen May, I really like that one.

Yup, very much agreed. I am actually hoping Ava gets her comeuppance. Having recently binged season 4, how ruthless she is towards Ellen May made me lose a ton of sympathy for her. Not cool Ava, not fucking cool at all.

Indeed. They can count themselves lucky they got caught before meeting an untimely demise in a mineshaft or a desert or Boyd's office or some other undignified locale.

Yup. It was very interesting to rewatch season 4 recently. When binging the season, Ava's ruthlessness towards Ellen May stuck out to me much more than I remembered from when the season aired. I definitely lost a lot of sympathy for her due to that I will admit.

Indeed, I think maybe a handful of bullets fired in movies and on TV per year have realistic damage models, if that.

Yeah, I wondered about that. Maybe Mikey still has some fondness for Wynn left and doesn't intend to tell her the full story? But then why bother in the first place, hm…

"I mean, just … holy shit. That ending. Holy. Shit."

You have an interesting definition of "luck", dear sir. :D