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Indeed. He basically told her to run (or come up with a suitable alternative) as clearly as he could given the circumstances.

Indeed. He was doing as much nudging as he could without actually outright telling her to run.

It was "The Accountant", from 2000. It appears it was made by the production company in which Goggins has a stake, but apparently he was not credited for the Academy Award (which was "Best Short Film, Live Action"), hence why it doesn't show up on his awards page:

One thing which I'm wondering about: She only knew she was going back to prison because Raylan told her (which I reckon he shouldn't have), and only that actually put her on the run (I think). So, if the Marshals catch her… sounds like trouble for Raylan.

Wait, there are people who think (or thought) she killed Boyd? Huh, interesting how different people can interpret scenes so differently.
As for Boon, I haven't really made up my mind. Loretta concocting some horribly demise for him would be my favourite solution I think.

Well, Boyd had planned to run away with Ava with new identities and all that money, so he probably didn't care much if they spilled the guts on all the shit he's done.

She could have gotten emancipated, or not? Also, she has all that money from Mags, that could have helped things along too. I'd certainly think she's wily enough to get what she wants in that regard.

Yup, Ava knew what she was getting into. Maye she didn't want to see it, but she knew, and had been told. Hell, she's done some bad shit over the years herself.

Yes, in season 4, Limehouse was holding Ellen May to sell her to Ava and Boyd for killin'. But when Ava showed up with the money, Limehouse had let Ellen May go.

Limehouse let Ellen May go in season 4 instead of selling her out to Ava and Boyd for them to kill her. Ava was not pleased.

Having recently rewatched season 4, with Ava going after Ellen May, I'm inclined to concur. Even if she didn't kill her in the end, she lost a lot of sympathy points on that one with me with how ruthless she was. We might not have seen her do that much horrible shit over the years, but yeah, the undertones have been

Story of my life since 2010.

We had quite an extensive debate on this a few weeks ago, regarding the morality of Boyd and Raylan. I mentioned that Boyd is indeed worse (to me, at least) than Raylan, and some people heftily disagree(d) with that (as is their right, and if they didn't, debates would be much more boring after all).

Well, he did also mention though that a big part of how he secures their loyalty is by handsomly paying them if I remember right?

I thought he was going to shit his pants in his giddy glee. Fan-fucking-tastic.

And today was the day I, a humble man from central europe, learned the word "preantepenultimate", and was reminded of the glorious days when I was still taking Latin in school.

I must admit I do this with my dad on occasion. Very rarely, and not too aggressively, because I love the guy after all, but enough to nudge him on a bit.

I'm inclined to agree. Unless he just murders her. But given how much of an asset Robin Wright is to this show, I sincerely doubt that they'll do that. The writing for Claire might be wonky in parts, but Wright's performance probably compensates for that in most people's minds.

This post needs WAY more upvotes!

These things are cyclical. It appears we're currently in a "fat joke recession".