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Great! I need to hand in a project report on Wednesday, and now I want to insert sneaky references to nudity, sex, violence, torture, adulation and money.

Huh, I didn't know Brian Cox wrote ASOIAF! Weird how these things work…

Now, now, let's not get condescending, Valentin did say *at least* 2 1/2 years.

It is a bit of a misnomer, isn't it…

Sarcasm and the internet… it's a fickle relationship.

"And not in a good, 'anything can happen, so no one's safe!' kind of way. More in an 'anything can happen, so nothing matters' kind of way."

I'm Swiss, so I can't really say I have first-hand experience of US politics (though I do try to stay somewhat informed), but even I felt that the politics, both foreign and domestic, on HoC in season 3 have been utterly outrageous.

Yeah, I complained about this in the comments of a past episode; there seem to be some serious inconsistencies in the writing for her character as far as I can tell.
The example I cited was her freakout at the press conference in Russia after the gay guy's suicide. I just don't buy that a woman who is usually protrayed

I think Boyd is definitely feeling the walls closing in, yes.

Don't take it too hard. I was born in the mid-80s, so the Duke was already rather dead at that time, and I know who the guy was. Hell, my youngest brother is ten years younger and even he can place the name.

Agreed, Boyd living out his days in a cell doesn't really seem an appropriate fate. And it is a rather tragic story in the end. It's not like he wouldn't be smart enough to do well at a non-criminal career, but it just does not seem to be in his nature.

I wonder if he's always been able to achieve success in his criminal undertakings with this approach. If so, then it doesn't seem likely he'll change his ways I suppose (though it doesn't really sound like a good long-term strategy to me if I'm being honest).

Hehe, good point. I got the impression Wynn was just like "OK, if I stand back and let this play out he'll get himself killed and I'll be fine."
Which is probably Wynn's approach to many of his problems, at least since he's been shot back in season 1 and calmed down a bit.

Ah yes, Theo in that container, that was fantastic.

I recently rewatched season 3, and when viewing it all in one binge the story of Quarles' various failures feels even more thrilling because he goes from bad to worse to much worse within such a short time instead of a few weeks (in viewer-time). At least I felt that way.

Well, this show started out with Raylan shooting somebody after having given the guy a 24-hour ultimatum to get out of town. Yeah, yeah, the other guy pulled first, blabla, but clearly that was not proper procedure (or at least I'd fucking hope not).

"The Ballad of Raylan and Boyd - They Dug Coal Together"

"How the hell is this show still able to effortlessly create awesome,
compelling characters in just a few scene? I was stoked very minute Boon
was onscreen."

Yeah, he has been on a downwards spiral for a while, and knowing that the law is after him with serious intent this time surely doesn't help him make good decisions.

That they'd rather end it on their own terms rather than run it into the ground? That would be my guess.