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I think the Nola-Burton fight was when it was because Odette Annable had to leave the show due to other commitments and they decided to write her out like that.
In-universe, the fight did make sense to me; she came back after having heard that her brother had been murdered (season 2 finale), and she was sure that

For the past 10 weeks I have been eagerly anticipating Friday night, after which I promptly came here for the review and the discussion in the comments.

I'm not sure how likely it is that Hood will actually work for Proctor. Even if he's quit the sheriff's job, he's still worked with Brock for a while now and they've been through some shit together, it seems a bit like a betrayal of that.

1) That could be pretty awesome.
2) It could have been men's shoes with hard soles. They can sound pretty heel-like.

Hm, good question indeed…

To be fair though, we've never really been shown how large or small Proctor's operation actually is. We've seen the meat plant and the trucks he uses for his merchandise, but other than that I don't remember all that much about it.
If he's acting as some sort of middleman for different criminal empires (shipping stuff

Yeah, that probably wouldn't work out so well.

In the flashback with Job from S03E09 it was shown that Hood didn't really know how to steal a car yet and Job was teaching him.

If it's from a military academy probably a lot. I remember most of my fellow recruits in officer candidate school getting one of those, about 60 people in that class alone (getting the ring wasn't obligatory). And that school has three classes per year, and it's by far not the only school in our country.

I would not at all be against a new badass woman (or several) being introduced.

That fight was when it became clear to me that I absolutely, positively, definitely needed to keep watching this show.

Haha, at some point we're going to need to condense our essays into a book if we continue like this. :D

I think one of the things which made Stowe punching Carrie in that scene so painful to watch was that many people in the audience can probably relate to some degree to how that feels like.

Since I'm not from the US I don't know how you get hired as a deputy, but yes, I fully agree that him getting that job is completely ridiculous, especially with him still having all of those tattoos (but even without them, it seems he has a pretty horrible past, so not sure if he'd get hired even without them).

There's a video on Cinemax' Youtube channel called "Banshee Season 3:Episode #10 Fanshee Tease". So yeah, they seem to be running with that.

I'm trying to come up with evidence to refute your statement because on the surface it sounds like serious hyperbole, but I am utterly and hilariously failing.

I've had the same thought, and yes I think he has to be in his early 40s or something like that.

Yup, that's why I said "the end of season 3", not "the finale of season 3" explicitly. Bit of a broader term I thought. ;-)

Job + Sugar and Brock + Bunker (yeah, I really like those two together)

Lol, I get your point (I think I stopped watching True Blood after season 1 or maybe somewhere in season 2).