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Whenever I'm in Italy, I'm astounded at how their TV channels are basically just filled with semi-naked ladies (I know Italy is likely not the only country where this is the case, but it's the one I've personally observed). Not all channels are equally as bad, but still, mama mia!

This. So fucking much. Dear god it's infuriating. I can live with a christmas/new year's break (although I don't really like it, because that's when I actually have time to watch shows, so having new episodes would be nice), but otherwise, stop with the freaking sporadic airings FFS!
As an example, Person of Interest

I also find it a bit funny that on PoI nobody ever seems to achknowledge that the guys who get kneecapped are most likely crippled for the rest of their lives. Not dead, so that's a plus, but still, a bullet to the knee is really not a trivial matter. Guns are basically used with the non-chalance usually awarded to

Ha, great point, I completely forgot about the kids. So yes, practical footwear, please!

Yeah, the femoral artery really isn't brought up all that much (same for its counterpart in the arms, unless we're talking about people slitting their wrists in the bath tub). I recently rewatched Strike Back, and it comes up in the first or second episode of the Cinemax version where there's a ricochet bullet buried

Yup, there really is no valid reason to have women running around chasing after people in high heels, it's just ridiculous.
And even if there were to be a problem with fitting two people of very different height into one shot, those are usually just people talking, so you could easily either give the shorter person

Oh yes, the children, that was utter hilarity. Unless you were one of the children and happened to notice the look on the guy's face (they probably didn't, but still) I suppose. It reminded me of those "people in the jungle" scenes where one character whispers to another character "Don't move, you have something

Hm, that's two shows I love in which Sarah Shahi has starred and then got pregnant, thus interfering with the show's plans; Live and PoI.

Since I have a dog I have actually thought about this myself quite a bit, and I have reached the conclusion that in case of somebody breaking into my apartment in my absence I'd prefer my dog not to attack the intruders.

Ah yes, DU ammunition fired from a large-caliber machine gun… for when you absolutely, positively need to kill a motherfucker. And everything and everybody around them.

Dear god, high heels on field people always annoy the shit out of me on such shows.

I was never a lawman, however I did police-like duties while serving in the military, and yes, we were taught to go for center of mass as well (our training was pretty much the same as police in that regard since we were in their chain of command for that engagement).

I think that people are often viewing Wynn Duffy with rose-coloured glasses these days because we haven't really actually ever seen him do anything horrible to anyone over the course of the series, and because he has indeed calmed down quite a bit since his season 1 appearance.

Oh, right, how could I forget Jimmy and the snake in his face?! Silly me! And indeed, that only came about because Colt and Jimmy were paying an armed visit to Preacher Billy and his sister in the first place, not exactly a friendly move.

True, but still, neither he nor his bosses nor the DA were exactly happy about that settlement, so it's probably still a stain on his record. Whether or not he gives a crap is of course another matter, especially since they made a pretty big deal out of him getting Drew Thompson, which might overshadow that.

I'm really looking forward to all those chains of people knowing people know stuff being pulled loose.

I really don't mind the standalone episodes at all (I prefer the ones tying into the larger arcs, like Samaritan or Elias though, all things considered), and I would miss them if the show dropped them completely. For example, Cura Te Ipsum (1x04, the one with Dr. Tillman) is still one of my favourites from the entire

1) I have heard rumours that Yost has said they won't go the the "family in danger" trope again because they have already done that with Nicky Augustine coming after Wynona and the baby.

Agree. And besides, I think there is a good chance that this season so far is as good as it is precisely because it is the last season and because they can start burning bridges and crossing lines which they probably couldn't or wouldn't if the show needed to last longer. Admittedly so far we haven't seen that much

Oh, right, I had forgotten about that one (I have been rewatching the series, but haven't gotten through S5 yet).