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Yeah, that one probably doesn't count as innocent per se, and Boyd did show some regret about it if I remember right, but whether or not that guy deserved to die I'm not so sure about.

It has come back to bite him in the ass on occasion though. For example, sleeping with Ava in season 1 led to Boyd getting out of prison. Then there's the settlement Dewie Crowe got when he sued due to being harassed by Raylan. There might be more examples, but those are the ones which come to mind off the top of my

I'm really looking forward to when Boyd realizes what Zachariah has been up to.

True, Raylan doesn't stop the drug trade, but he doesn't actively profit from it either (at least as far as I can make out), as opposed to Boyd and Co. And that's why I mentioned the family members of drug addicts, since for them it's not a personal choice at all (say my dad was a drug addict, I would not be likely to

Oh, I totally loved that scene as well, but I saw no indication within the show's universe of any serious wrongdoing on Billy's part towards anyone. His sister seemed shady though.

I must admit I thought the suicide reveal seemed pretty telegraphed to me. The moment Reese watched Edwards put up those pictures in that guy's apartment I knew Edwards was intending to frame the guy for his suicide.

They do similar things quite often though, and I've criticised it as well. For example, either Finch or Reese will already be undercover while the other one is reading exposition over the comms in their ears which they really would have discussed before going on mission. Ah well, such is life.

Yeah, I don't really think that would hold up to close scrutiny.

I believe the consensus of the internet at the moment is that some hanky-panky will be happening there, maybe, possibly, at some point, perhaps.

He can still make up for that with a repeat appearance though (it seems Proctor is going after him in the season finale, so I would presume he's done after that).

True, it would be rather anticlimactic to just keep Avery around as a victim of Boyd's robbery and a plot device for the "who ratted out Catherine's husband" arc.

Yes, the circumstances were definitely different. My point was merely that the plot device of "deceased character shows up as figment of imagination" had precedent on the show.

Yup, pretty much.

Oh, forgot about something: What about Ellen May and Billy the preacher? Boyd and Ava went after her with some serious heft, and while Boyd didn't force Billy to handle that rattler, he didn't exactly stop him either. So, he didn't outright kill Billy, but if it weren't for Boyd's intervention, Billy would most likely

My lumping them together is based on the fact that yes, while they are not all the same kind of criminal, they have as far as I can tell definitely benefitted from innocents suffering.

I would say though that there is definitely one big difference between Raylan and his criminal counterparts like Boyd, Mags, Markham etc.

Well, it's not like it's completely unprecedented for the show. Aunt Helen also appeared to Arlo as a figment of his imagination a few times.

Plus he had fired shots in Raylan's direction.

It was about how he had been sold for sex to other men by his father as a child to finance his dad's drug habit, then when Theo Tonin noticed he took the dad and presented him to Quarles on a silver platter to kill when Qarles was 13 if I remember right (I recently rewatched it).

"I'm gonna get a machete and a blow torch and I'm gonna make your body as small as I possibly can!"