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Well from what I've seen of that guy I would not be opposed to Gordon putting a few bullet holes into him and his entourage. He can burn down the house too. Yeah, that would be a nice side project for our mayor.

It seems we're done with mopey sad sack Gordon and the Marine in him has finally awakened, very happy to see that. Now all we need are some fuckers for him to shoot.

Assuming you're talking about glorious Point Break in your last paragraph, I'm not sure how much that would count as "romantic gesture" though, from the perspective of the screenwriters/director.

And yet… it all still feels somewhat polite.
"Ma'am, the probability of you meeting an untimely demise is proportional to the amount of stubbornness you display towards me."

Yeah, I think there's often a bit of a discrepancy between how much viewers seem to like Boyd as a character and what kind of character he is in-show.

I think if they tweak her character a bit I might warm up to her more than so far. I will admit I don't mind her doing badass things, with or without Hood, so focusing more on that instead of her existential crisis would be preferable to me. I do think it makes sense for her to have such a crisis with all that's

Oh, right, didn't remember that. So yes, even more kickassery in his back story.

Honestly, I wasn't really that annoyed with her death, I just wished they'd taken a bit more time to delve into the new relationship dynamic between Hood and her now that she knew about his past instead of killing her off instantly.

How is she not working on the heist, didn't she go do recon work with Hood in that tunnel a few episodes back, or did I miss something?

Yeah, I'm hoping they don't go back to that as well. We got good closure on their romantic relationship, and I'd prefer it be left that way.

And yet I'm sure he'd be the one with the highest body count.

At some point I do hope to see somebody else finding out about Hood and him having to deal with that, there's a lot of potential there IMO.

Interesting… even though, objectively speaking (insofar as these things can ever be assessed objectively) I thought this was a pretty top-notch episode, I somehow don't see myself coming back to this one for a rewatch all too often. And I'm not even sure if it's due to Shioban's death or something else, can't really

I think that while the show definitely doesn't stick to real-world logic (as demonstrated in your excellent example from the pilot), it does have its own rules (the main one I think is that actions have consequences, see the "Original Hood -> fake Hood -> Jason Hood -> Jason Statham dude -> Brantley" chain of events)

Gwen Stacy's death isn't really a new development though, her death has been part of Spiderman's core arc for many years in te comics as far as I know. Don't know about Gwen.

I don't recall them mentioning the MMA fighter as dead? As far as I remember, his manager said his career was ended (since he was crippled by Hood) and Burton went into the trailer and presumably killed the manager after the manager refused to return the money he'd gotten from Proctor, but as far as I'm aware the MMA

Yeah, I was a bit annoyed that they killed her off, though maybe I'm just too emotionally attached to the character (and the actress :D ).

That was freaking gold. And then him turning back more annoyed than anything else was just the icing on the cake.
"Sigh, fine, I'll prevent that asshole from choking the DA lady who wants me put away to death. Gottverdammt!"

Their first encounter (fight) was pretty one-sided with Chayton thoroughly kicking Hood's ass. I think once Chayton realized that he wasn't going to accomplish his primary goals he switched tactics to make Hood suffer.

Fully agreed on the Carrie-Hood relationship, I really hope that they don't go back to that. It was a core part of the first two seasons, but I think we've had good closure on it and don't need to go back to that well. And yeah, Shioban's death was pretty clear, at the latest once she told Hood to go to the basement