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What? You're saying you did not enjoy the glorious magnificence of Wynn Duffy as the gods of the tanning beds and hydration made him?

Bathing in its light would lower your voice by one octave and grant you epic moustache mojo!

Ah, Drew Thompson… good times.

At first I thought you had just made up some ridonculous movie title, but nope, mighty Google says it's real.

Well, I reckon in his mind what today's movies suffer from is a distinct lack of Jarjar Binks.

I do wonder if there actually is any money in Avery's safe. The idea of Boyd and company finally overcoming all the obstacles and then standing inside an empty safe somehow sounds very Elmore Leonard to me.

Well, can't have that now, can we. Not good for street cred.

I think that ties in rather nicely with Elmore Leonard's general theme of criminals, even the smarter ones, having some screwup-ish tendencies, or if they don't suffer from that themselves, they get involved with people who are thusly afflicted.

I do wonder what his large game plan is and am curious to see that play out.

What I'm still wondering is whether she'll get to experience Avery's "remove both eyes" thing he mentioned last week on herself once he finds out she betrayed him, or if that will be some other poor schmuck.

Ah yes, Wynning times.

I actually thought that made sense. Discarding people like that and moving on like nothing happened is what people like Walker do, they're not so much people to him as just minor obstacles or annoyances to deal with. The show just moving on as well without further mention of it nicely reflects that methinks.

Indeed, Duffy's tan lines looked mighty non-banana-hammocky.

Well then, it would appear that you have quite a ride to look forward to catching up. Enjoy!

Up until Proctor took out Jason for sleeping with Rebecca I didn't really have any strong feelings against him and had found his uneasy occasional alliances with Hood quite entertaining. And even then, to be honest, I didn't really feel that bad about Jason getting killed, he was just Too Stupid to Live and should

Well, assuming Chayton doesn't accept that the van burning up was an accident, I'm pretty sure Proctor would be at the top of his list.

Yeah, I'm not quite sure yet what to make of her. One thought I've had is that if (when?) Proctor bones her, she might end up creating a rift between him and Rebecca.

Agreed about crazy Stowe.

I know not what you speak of, sir/madam.
Although I'd gladly pay for this if I could, but alas…

Indeed. I cannot recall any other show I've come across which did "action -> consequences" so well and with such discipline as Banshee does.
One of the reasons I really adore this show.