Drone from Dorne

So this is what Elizabeth Warren has been saying, and what’s driving the mass appeal of Bernie and Donald.

the gov’t seemed to be motivated by things other than ROI

That’s it - the metric is easily comparable. So when a pickup says 30 mpg, I know it must get phenomenal mileage, via stop-start, dead cylinders, small engine or whatever, since that’s comparable to much smaller cars.

So drink my own piss to make a profit, or have ideological qualms about normal L.A. drive time, to make a profit.

Seriously? Between three freeways and the Aliso Canyon gas leakage facility, the biggest source of air pollution in my area is no surprise.

It’s even more amazing watching the gif, where he touches down, then bounces a little, then touches down again, presumably for all eternity

I’m fairly certain a model of something cannot be the actual something

So that’s where it gets interesting - the genetic modifications are what’s patented, and the patents are what supports the global monopoly

Nothing new here - The Tragedy of the Commons, which is about exactly this, first appears in 1833. So for nearly 200 years, there have been concerns about the ability to grow enough to feed everyone on the planet.

Of course, Feige later clarified that Boseman, Nyong’o, and Jordan constitute nearly 90% of the film’s entire cast...

My first though was how could Spielberg pretend to no get that reference? Looks like I picked a bad week to stop sniffing glue.

you don’t know much about evolutionary biology

Dammit, Senate! You only had ONE JOB - to fight whatever the President wants, tooth and nail! You missed your chance with Ebola, now you won’t be able to blame the nation-wide Zika outbreak on the President, either.

I hear you, although in our suburb of Los Angeles, it might be relevant to ask “Has this house ever been used as a gang hangout, and has there ever been an LAPD shootout on the property?”

I’m thinking...this guy

I think it was one of the “You may also like” tiles in the upper left corner of a current article, though not sure which one

Apparently my package is on that UPS truck that just zoomed by and cut me off in traffic...