You may know the old trick to turn a t-shirt into a ninja mask, but throw in some pants and a lampshade, and you can…
You may know the old trick to turn a t-shirt into a ninja mask, but throw in some pants and a lampshade, and you can…
I recently tried out Plants vs Zombies 2 and I loved it. The "paying" elements were there and majority of them made the game easier. However, the challenge I set myself was to win without paying and it was enjoyable that way, and totally achievable. I'm so pleased at the game that I willingly spent $5 purchasing a…
I never go on Lifehacker. I'm sure others only go to Kotaku as well.
Why stop at the shirt?
Alright, this guy is great. I don't even really like cosplay, but his approach is wonderful. Original character/public servant. I like it.
I formally announce the "Don't be that Guy/Girl Brigade"
Cosplayers work hard to bring your favorite characters to life—but that doesn't prevent things from going wrong come…
"You're a monster. You're a monster!"
YouTuber ThingsWePlay decided to check out DayZ, and for some reason decided to try and rob the first person who was…
More than anything this reminded of how ugly GTA V is and how impressive the Fox Engine is.
it took him 7 years to make pixel art
Bioshock Infinite's Elizabeth has undergone numerous changes in the various trailers and episodes. (Notably, the…
Pretty sure the PC crowd are just as bad as consoles in terms of fanboys so why aren't they being judged.
UPDATE (3:30pm): What we first thought was a bug is actually an intentional fan project, according to Telltale, the…
Plants Vs. Zombies: Garden Warfare just keeps getting better and better. Today EA drops the free Western-themed…
Hey that's not the Mewtwo and the Cerulean Cave I remember from the Pokémon games. This—otherwise amazing—redesign…
Making a life-sized Hatsune Miku statue is not easy. What's more, it takes time. Lots and lots of time. This, for…
It really, really is chaos. Good chaos. Go on, have a look.
New Baraka sculpture going on sale April 21. Click through for more photos and purchasing details: