
Awesome im gonna try it.


Well..if Irrational was indie probably this ugly mess would end up on the game and this is were we take a lesson. Money and human resources make the difference dear hippies.

What is gatherer anyway and what it suppose i am looking at ?


Did he print the cubes and then build this masterpiece or he printed all at once ?


umm.....did i ask you ?

a daddy

A bunch of posers waiting for your call.

be our hero !

Im not a pc gamers,i play only on consoles. The guy pretend to be pc gamer and its well known that they refer to their machines as PC and not as computers.

It seems that PS4 and Ps3 rules on consoles.Eat this nitendo and xbox fans

If you were really using computer for you're gaming you would prefer to it as PC. Probably you are a Nintendo consumer playing exclusively on 3Ds. No need to pretend and feel shame about it. The handleheld is you'r main one.

What's the matter ? They share the same audience.

What a bummer the majority of people having iphones are scatterbrained chicks who probably couldn't care less about an online tcg game. I hope for an android version.

Yayy now you can be our advertiser,we give you the tools and upload screenhots on twitter,facebook and tumbrl and remember you get nothing! Amazing huh ?

I'm bored with all those pixel pukes. It funny how those saint indies make such a cheap use of a some kind "art" only to attract a few nostalgic babies.

Welcome to 2014.Indie,RPG & pixel art...thats all.Hipsters taking over the world and here's your evidence.

I put random objects into my microwave . I'm an artist.