Sci-Fi Zelda would be... interesting. I’m down.
Sci-Fi Zelda would be... interesting. I’m down.
Sometimes, if you’re lucky, you get to see the true face of Hillary supporters when the “We’re so tolerant and perfect” mask falls off.
I gave another hundred to Sanders this weekend. Every week I give something. I’ll never ever give a dime to Clinton. Hillary Clinton is a terrible politician and will lose a close race. They are always close races.
Right, you - a person who has been long referring to Sanders and his supporters as “sexist regressives” - a person who has criticized him many times on Gawker as an insider with poor decision-making... you inexplicably gave money to his campaign, but suddenly NOW you’re done with him because he criticized a $125,000 a…
If Hillary is fundraising for “down-ballot” campaigns, under the presumption she gets elected, that would confirm Sanders’s argument that campaign finance in America is pathological. Clinton, being elected, would have coalition loyalty from Democrats, which is great for her agenda, but would entrench patronage and…
That’s some flavorful ad hominem Kinja you’re dumping. Those are factual assertions, easily checked with brief online research. Go ahead. I’ll wait.
It’s bad to raise money for down ballot candidates? That is the stupidest fucking thing I’ve ever heard.
No, I’m sorry, but this fundraiser is fucking egregious. Like, it used to be the case that politicians would go out of their way to avoid bringing up fundraisers where plates cost a couple thousand dollars. We long accepted this kind of shit as, like, the cost of doing business, but certainly not a tasteful activity…
No and no. Please do some reading. Bernie is helping progressive candidates all over the country. These fundraisers are NOT for down ballot races. The money primarily goes to Hillary.
Don’t believe me? Consider what has happened to the Democratic Party since the Clintons came to power. We have lost ground at every…
So you’re like totally cool with the fucked up lobbying situation too then. Way to stand for the people instead of the money.
Yes, it’s hilarious that once upon a time buying votes and having dead people vote used to be frowned upon. Thank heaven those days are over.
That’s not true. These big ticket fundraisers are an end run around campaign finance laws to get more money to Mrs. Clinton’s campaign. It’s akin to money laundering. The DNC/DCCC/DSCC don’t care about down ballot races. They have not even bothered to field candidates for a lot of congressional seats. In other cases,…
Not quite. The money raised goes to the Hillary Victory Fund, a shell company that Hillary’s campaign workers have control over, not the DNC.
Trump’s response:
I’m proud of this one, although I am anticipating my new Bernie supporter followers may not be sticking around long.
Yet no one is presenting any of their evidence to the contrary. If i am wrong, prove, but don't pretend that your response is anything more than vapor.
Any actual statistics to back your claims because i know several families that exclusively consume raw milk and have zero issues.
That’s because many large scale dairy farmers let their animals stand in small pens in piles of their own shit, then pump them full of antibiotics to counteract the things contracted from this practice. Raw milk that comes from most dairy farms is indeed not safe to drink, and most outbreaks from raw milk have come…