I love your replies. They really make you think, and are worded so well. I really enjoyed reading them.
I love your replies. They really make you think, and are worded so well. I really enjoyed reading them.
I have never thought of the Zelda games as ever having any sort of chronological timeline I have just always viewed them more as fables and stories handed down. Kind of like Greek Mythology no real timeline just a collection of stories that are told yeah I know there is some semblance of a timeline in the mythology…
How about “because increasing representational diversity in fictional universes such as comics and video games is not a meaningful way to create actually meaningful social justice in the real world and the obsessive focus on same distracts us from the interests of actually-existing humans from marginalized…
Jewish man... preaching to multi-enthic, multi-religious..folk and potentates and delivering game like that.. on national tv. That made for a great Friday and good send off to Ali.
A rabbi calling for the end of Israeli West Bank occupation. Hell yeah.
Man, that was fantastic.
Ignore all these assholes. I hope Anna talks to you and puts out an account from someone who was in the room, and not a Hillary supporter. If you do get the interview, please see if you can get Anna to print an account of the meeting a few weeks prior to the convention when the state party proposed new rules to…
Way to afflict the comfortable and comfort the afflicted! You sure taught a lesson to these powerless people. A story about the videos showing the BS voice voting procedure would be neat.
Don’t be intimidated by the Clinton bullies here; The Slot is extremely slanted in terms of its commentariat, much more so than its actual coverage. I would take Anna up on her offer rather than try to make a logical case to people who have no intention of listening objectively to anything you have to say. They’re…
I really hate to say this...but people are fed up with the corruption and Lange is part of the problem. When are you people going to realize this is more than Hillary vs Bernie. This is a struggle for social justice in America which Hillary and the DNC are no part of. I personally have been threatened by Hillary…
Here is a video of the “chair throwing” incident that keeps being used as evidence of violence by the media, including in this post. As you can see, no actual violence or chair throwing took place, but turning the focus on Sanders supporters has been an easy way to gloss over the procedural wrongdoings of the Nevada…
I don’t know how you can call yourself a journalist and open the article with “Thanks to some extremely zealous Bernie Sanders supporters, the Nevada State Democratic Convention this past weekend was a particularly epic disaster”
But you directly stated it was the Bernie supporters that CAUSED the problem in the first place, which is completely false. Yes, they may have exacerbated the problem, but the problems were there in the first place, were they not?
I think the cheating, the corruption and the disregard for democracy is way worse than a few nasty tweets and prank calls.
Copy that and I will. It’s been tough the past couple of days to see all the coverage showing Bernie supporters as violent maniacs. People were not acting their best on Saturday, but it is not nearly as one-sided as what is being published. There were significant errors on both sides.
You could at least amend your post to retract the chair throwing. It’s needlessly incendiary and it did not happen. There is a video of it not happening, for crying out loud.
I’m sorry, I have to say something. I’m a Bernie supporter, and a longtime Jezebel reader, AND I was there in the room. I shot some videos that have been aired on major networks, and I actually have a relatively neutral perspective. Could you please interview me for an alternate view of what happened, instead of just…
This is probably the only shot from today’s draft that didn’t have 15,000 Marines or a bunch of youth league players who ain’t afraid of no concussions behind them.