If Uber is covering up 99% of rape complaints, it’s pretty fucking impossible to say. At least licensed taxis are answerable to SOMEONE.
If Uber is covering up 99% of rape complaints, it’s pretty fucking impossible to say. At least licensed taxis are answerable to SOMEONE.
The sharing economy model leaves out that a fuck of a lot of people are frankly terrible, and we have created industries specifically to have oversight over people providing a service.
Yes. Please rush to apologize to Zendesk.
What a shit-show this whole election cycle has become
The Clintons made their entry into politics via courting black southerners...they know how to pander to them.
a) shes a household name, especially in the south where she and her husband are v popular
Has there been any insight into why she does so well with African American voters given her spotty history regarding their interests? It seems so bizarre to the point of being baffling.
Well, they haven’t actually fixed anything yet, and right now all the execs are still playing the “deny everything” game as far as taking responsibility for the fraud. So yeah, I’d say there is still plenty to protest.
Yeah, satire and comedy continually undermine serious political discussions.
The point in my life where I feel so old I have absolutely no idea who this is someone change my bedpan please.
This can’t die soon enough. To both “Damn Daniel” and swatting.
“Unlike Favre, Peyton was quietly laying the groundwork for his talking-headdom retirement for years.” So increasing the size of his forehead was all part of the plan? That’s brilliant. It’s all so clear now.
The funny thing is, it was actually less funny than last week’s X-Files.
Clinton Campaign “We want to have a debate in New Hampshire, where it could only harm you, but we don’t want to have a debate in New York where it could harm me.”
I just cant get behind it. Also, he’s just the Maxx, which I cant unsee.
I miss Venom, actual Venom. Even Agent Venom was kind of interesting. But complex symbiote villains are a staple, and the shitty stand ins like Toxin are not cutting it.
But that’s the thing - the stupid shilling doesn’t have to go on to get people to play them. The stupid shillers convinced Perfect World that they need the stupid shillers to shill for them stupidly.
Is it just me or do Seahawks fans remind you of people who came into money quickly, only to discover they can’t handle being rich?
I wish they would at least give her a unique name. Or just straight up Link. This inbetween Linkle thing isn’t really doing it for me.
Not to undermine your point, but a man was also killed in this particular tragic scenario...
I’m here to tell you it’s not just young New Atheists. There’s an entire all-ages antitheist movement bubbling under the veneer of intellectualism they throw up. Dawkins, Hitchens, Harris and Youtubers like Thunderf00t or TJ offer up this bigot’s echo chamber of bloviating pseudointellectualism, suckering the younger…