
Oh, it's one of those optical illusions...

Might not be what you had in mind, but I'd like to see further research with psilocybin, mescaline, LSD and ayahuasca (containing the active ingredient DMT)...to mention a few. Talk about criminally underfunded (not sure you can get much lower than $0). I love the space program, too - but at least there's an entire

Has it been helping? Inquiring un-transcranially stimulated minds want to know.

In the immortal words of Alan Watts:

Don't expect him to get an ounce of credit or recognition, though.

Now playing

Nat Geo magazine had a fascinating account of an ayahuasca experience where the writer was cured of her depression (this after having gone through several forms of expensive therapy a good deal of her life):


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Here's one where they continuously increase the frequency from low to high. Abandon all volume, ye who press play...

Have been meaning to get my hands on this book...

By all means, get a good understanding of the man...but you aren't going to get that from a Wikipedia article. A faint impression, at best. Mistaking a description for the described, at least. What I term the "Wikipedia la-la" form of understanding.

No it doesn't. And he wasn't Buddhist, he studied it, was keenly aware of its principles, and discussed it...along with numerous other subjects...in his lectures. But I'm glad you think you know the man based on a cursory reading of his Wikipedia entry. Not only that, it seems to qualify you as an expert on "where

Yeah, I have a feeling she would've been perfect.

How is Alan Watts religious? Which parts of his statements were religious? What religion is he promoting? And how is what he said essentially any different than Tyson?

Congratulations on your small-mindedness.

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"What you do is what the whole universe is doing at the place you call 'here and now.' You are something the whole universe is doing in the same way that a wave is something that the whole ocean is doing. The real you is not a puppet which life pushes around. The real deep down you is the whole universe."

Same here! But I still prefer physical books. So I just keep my phone nearby to do all that stuff. I've gotten plenty of mileage out of the Dictionary app, too.

Just today came across these enigmatic little shits in a book I'm reading, and now this spectacular info! Thanks for the article, Alasdair. The timing alone is blowing my mind.

I go with a physical book and phone-as-dictionary combo.

Bucky Fuller approves.

Score one (above and below) for Hermes Trismegistus.