Nels P. Highberg

When did Manny quit the football team?

Nothing from Whataburger? No taquitos?

That's it on American Horror Story? Nothing about Sarah Paulson? Nothing about having to play the dead frozen body?

I have to watch VS at least once a month.

Just One of the Guys!

I didn't read it either. It's just that Johnny Carson does the introduction and it sure looks like his studio.

Is Rohypnol vegan?


Who in the first season brought up AIDS? They went to the abortion-rights march and painted the mural for Jerry Brown and of course had the blowup the day of the Rodney King verdict, but I don't remember AIDS being a part of the first season.

Still love this movie! It's on one of those movie channels at the end of the cable all the time. I think I've seen it more in the last couple of years than when I had it on videotape.

I've sorry, but each time Gary was on screen, I kept wondering if he was going to remove his pants and show where the scar from his tail was.

Is anyone writing about the relationship of the titles of each episode to the content? I vaguely remember what Haraway meant by a Redesign of Natural Objects, but I'd have to go back and read to understand the connection. Are there recaps that go over such things?

Yeah, because they spent a couple of episodes at the start of season going around asking people about him and using his name and his base pair nickname constantly.

Yes, I remembered the bifurcated penis. I wouldn't think it could so easily be forgotten.

Yeah, Britton is not actively working to get the show back on, and her words are carefully considered in a way that says she wants out, too.

The show won't continue because Hayden Panettiere probably won't be willing to sign on for more, and her absence this past season proves how much the show needs her. But I am glad she is getting treatment and hope for all the best for her. Still, it's probably best for her not to work right now at all, and without

Should have been a one-and-done mini-series.

Was there a Jarhead 2?

There was a turning point at about this point that made me love Christine. She knows how to take control and get back up again!

The idea that the lives of gay teens or young gay men follow a linear trajectory is nonsense. I had sex and dates long before I came out to anyone. It's long been understood in gay circles and especially by those of us who sought therapy not to expect our dating and sexual lives to follow the heterosexual pattern.