Nels P. Highberg

I don't think Kim Chi lacks courage. As she said, her mother's world and the drag world will never cross. The show doesn't air in Korea, and I don't anyone there cares about it.

Now that everyone I want dead is dead, I'm up for a season two. They saved the best for last but canceled before we had a chance to see it.

And then we'll find out he's related to that "babe."

"So, the question becomes: can 'Crazy Train' lead to a solid finale? An out-of-town wedding could really help the show shake off the complacency of this season."

Then they aren't straight.

Maybe. I don't know. That's what straight women tell me. I try not to interact with straight men. Too many negative experiences.

What's the shock? Gays are fun as long as they/we remain on the margins. Once gay marriage started taking over, many people in the center started getting afraid and wanted nothing more to do with gay men, so no more movies.

I noticed the shadow on Susan's face, too! I thought it was a weird hair thing.

I'm just trying to figure out what he did to end up on the sex offender registry, that's all.

Yeah, but you can end up on the sex offender registry for lots of things that have nothing to do with pedophilia. Remember the story of the single-mother in San Diego arrested for prostitution, placed on the registry, and not allowed to be within 1,000 feet of any school, so her daughter had to walk alone to

Was that when he was arrested for public urination? I thought that was his only arrest mentioned, but I probably missed a lot of things quickly mentioned.

I agree. Unfortunately, insurance companies won't pay for treatment until a crime has been committed. Maybe the ACA changed that? But I remember The Pedophile Blogger saying he was denied access to treatment because he hadn't done anything wrong, yet.

Do we know if Hank has ever acted out on his pedophilia? Or is he just like The Pedophile Blogger who admits to sexual feelings for children but has never acted on them?

No idea. I just know I read it, then found out about it, and felt really duped. I know there were court documents going back to the 90s but don't know if Eggers ever saw them.

So, we're now calling Zeitoun a book about Katrina and not a book about a wife abuser who Eggers chose to deify?

Yikes, this reveals a lot of info. But no cans of gin in sight. Confusing.

No one can play Serena van der Woodsen like Blake Lively.

TGFE is worth it. I streamed it all last week. There's a point where it stops being just about sex. And the creepy guy from Orphan Black with the tail plays another creepy Canadian later!

Underneath the moonlight, moonlight