Nels P. Highberg


This is their method. That's why each so starts out with Patton Oswalt saying, "It was May 3, 1980-something." All the years get mixed.

He doesn't need to be telling a widow when to let go of her husband.

Oh, man, Alex is going to be married before Halley, and that's going to be a blast to watch!

Luke has a great job, though. He's doing better than a lot of people his age.

Good point. I assumed because he was at the desk with papers when she walked in that it was his. Maybe they work together or he handles office stuff while she's at board meetings.

I've read the book, and Renata is in it much less than this version. Her husband was barely a character.

Renata's husband is a deadbeat? Deadbeats get offices like that? I mean, he's married to the breadwinner, sure. But I get the feeling he doesn't feel threatened, not that he's a deadbeat.

I thought this was a great way to address the whole clown sighting phenomenon. I thought, with the costume gone, they wouldn't be able to do anything. But they did!

The THIS AMERICAN LIFE joke had me rolling, though. Haven't laughed that long in awhile.

It made sense for this episode to air now. Other than Meredith, these are the three people who care about Alex the most. Isolating them created a nice narrative tension.

The preview for next week was during SCANDAL.

Yeah, but I have a better sense of where and what is happening than I have when previous seasons started. And a whole lot of possibilities were set up, too.

I liked the slower pace. Sometimes it just goes too fast for me.

Trophy wife seems like a perfect aspiration for Haley. And I don't see how he's a father figure to her. Yeah, the age difference, but he's as vapid and vain as Haley. I mean, they have already had hair care products sent to Cabo, which doesn't sound like a father/daughter thing but a trophy wife/husband thing.

Rainer seems a perfect fit for Haley. His job is about his looks, he knows a lot about skin care, and he choose Cabo of all places for a romantic trip. He's better for her than Andy.

I think it's wrong to expect a particular level of character or plot consistency because the show is about portraying one of the most inconsistent, disruptive, cacophonous periods of life. I'd never go back to being that age again.

I don't know. They have just been saying in interviews that it takes about a month for each story, and the whole season took a year.

He had gay porn on his laptop, but it was quick enough that the gay anal sex could look like straight anal sex or doggie style.

It may have only been six episodes, but it was essentially eleven separate stories. Katja and Ben have said each story takes about a month to complete, so that's almost an entire year to make these six. They are writing the second season now and don't know when it will be ready because the process is so long.