Nels P. Highberg

I didn't look up the title of the episode. Had no idea. Just laughed.

Maybe the punchline was predictable and I'm just horrible because I couldn't predict it and therefore could not stop laughing.

If it's sex trafficking, Ben's family could have sold him.

Lisbeth Salander?

I am so glad I wasn't the only one who spent the hour wondering why I was supposed to care about any of this.

This was a good episode just for silly fun. I have to point out that Lily was great. I know the kid hyped up on soda has been done before, but like Phil and Mitch on pot, seeing a hyper Lily had me rolling.

Naomi clearly had a routine down for the lip-synch, body movements matching the music, using her elbows, wrists, and shoulders to mark a lot of the beats. And maybe it was editing, but a couple of shots showed Betty missing words or not keeping her mouth open while words were still being heard. I thought Betty was

Yeah, I don't know why the writer called it a procedural. But I also didn't think last night's episode was that much better than the rest.

I'm sure Doug has him locked away somewhere. Actually, I wonder if the governor and Doug are involved in a childhood sex trafficking ring and are trying to get Claire out of the race.

I think it's because he was released to do something, and if he screws it up, Adam will be killed.

See, and I think Adam is alive, and this is all some kind of plan. Ben has been given a job to do—and I can't help but wonder if it's to screw up the campaign. If he fails, Adam is killed.

It's starting to get too much like Ariel Castro for me, the kidnapping, torture, and rape of multiple people—in this case children—over several years.

Hannah flashing her boss, which is clearly sexual harassment. Then telling Adam he was real subtle with the rape—what was that, some metaphor for how Hannah felt he had treated her? Then using a real-life rape case as the foundation for the jokes (oh, there's a candy dish in the next room). Just gross. Gross, gross,

No, it wasn't a great twist to find out Catherine's agenda. On this show, it could mean taking the kid away from April, refusing her any contact, and then firing her from the hospital since Catherine controls Jackson and the board. I know the April haters were probably cheering, but I wasn't.

At the funeral, did Chuck go up to Donnie's husband or did he just go up to Bobby?

Good idea. Thanks!

And then it will confuse people because my post will suddenly make sense and be followed by people who are questioning it, which makes them look stupid when I'm the one who made the mistake. I own it. No one else should have to.

Thank you! I knew I was missing something.

That last moment when Claire looks into the camera gave me chills. I loved it!

See, and that's exactly the kind of thing I think Haley would do. Though it took $40 for a friend of mine to get her husband to kiss another woman's husband at a Christmas party last year, and they're in their 30s.