Nels P. Highberg

But that's the running joke about Joe: he gets stuck in things. He got stuck in the "well." He got stuck in the bathroom. He got stuck in the tar.

The show has never really stuck too closely to facts. In the first season, Manny went to Pablo Escobar Elementary School in Colombia. Then, a couple of seasons later, he was born in Miami. They often play fast and loose with background.

"It’s an unjustifiable stance"

Yeah, except it's a fake and that's the moment he found out it was a fake. From Chinatown.

Yeah, the "cigarette" #420somewhere

Beth was really the Mormon. When Andy mentioned having coffee at the wedding, it was Beth's family he joked about upsetting.

I know they called her Pameron when she was first introduced two, three seasons ago.

I haven't had a problem with this season. It's solid.

But sometimes filled with errors. They called the Underwoods Republicans.

Where did I say anything about Serena Williams, Oprah, or Halle Berry?

Oh, whoops. Sorry. It gets confusing when recaps are posted so intermittently.

I've never understood why they cram multiple recaps together but space posting them so far apart. Add that to the differences in grades, and it gets really confusing.

"EDIT: Ignore, spoiler, sorry for confusion."

Cyrus isn't trying to lie. Cyrus planned for Abby to tell Fitz. Cyrus knew getting fired would hurt his reputation just like Fitz/Abby said, so Cyrus set up his exit, and Abby just played the role he created for her, as did Fitz.

Boy Tommy was in the Meechum role since last season. That's why we knew he'd be back at some point. The two Underwoods desire him too much.

As soon as she appeared on screen, I knew Phil was going to be all stumbly and awkward because she was so his type.

Because Asians are so good at math?

Phil's attraction to black women has been running throughout the show, though. Not saying it's not a problem how it's presented, but it's not like last night is the first time the subject came up.

Ummm, to maintain some kind of stability in the area that he lost when his pelvis was eaten by cancer? Everyone is so focused on the stupid leg and not the point of the surgery, which is the cancer in the pelvis. Callie's explanation of the surgery before they did the run through was pretty clear about why this option

I'd actually love a three-way with the two Toms, but that's just me.