Nels P. Highberg

It's not attached to his crotch. It's attached to the sacrum behind the crotch.

Lots of disabled men have their dicks in odd locations or in odd relationships with other body parts. And they go on to engage in traditional sexual experiences and to have children in natural ways. Same with vaginas for women. The genitals are flexible and malleable.

Ugh, the Conways. Way too slick and without the charm Claire and Frank can turn on. Pretty people who have gotten it easy all their lives. Yawn. Claire and Frank would have them for breakfast, but they don't want to waste the time doing so.

As the x-rays and charts showed when they were going over the surgery, his dick will remain in its location. The leg was being attached to the sacrum, which would put it behind his dick, they rerouted his colon to the side (and I would imagine he's going to be using a colostemy bag).

Dicks are not attached to legs.

I use Sparknotes all the time when friends and I disagree about what really happened in some novel we read in high school. I grew up in the age of Cliff's Notes, and I was the geek who read the book and the notes.

Yeah, but that's obvious. I'm saying, if you will only read the book if it's cheap, then you might as well just read the Sparknotes. If you want to enjoy the book as literature, then just pay for the stupid thing and quit whining about it not being 99 cents.

The entire point of the surgery was to help him walk. They explained that at the beginning. Of course, he can walk without legs, too. I don't see why he can't sit, defecate, or screw because those don't involve legs and, again, the whole point was to keep everything from his pelvis up as intact as possible.

Read Sparknotes. It's free.

"but sticking a guy’s leg onto the middle of his body seems particularly insane, right?"

It was a fan. He saw her in a movie having a sex scene with a guy and went to her apartment and shot her for being with another guy. His conviction (by Marcia Clark) led to the first anti-stalking laws in the country.

I'm more stunned she gets a paper copy of the Daily Mail on her doorstep.

Maybe it's all too far in the past, but I wish it would have been mentioned that Marcia Clark was the lead prosecutor in the Rebecca Shaeffer murder. That didn't get the level of press OJ did, but it did get a lot of place considering the time and the media around then. Clark had just come off that case right before

"Of the four main characters, Shosh would have been chosen the girl least likely to acclimate beautifully to a new job in a foreign country."

I'm ten episodes in to House of Cards and loving it. Not sure if I'll do the last three tonight as I do have work I've put off to watch.

See, and my first thought was that they'd bring by Tusk as a Trump-like candidate, not go with someone new to the HOC universe.

Oh, and Doris Jones is not a representative of a "largely African-American" district. It's primarily Latino/a with African-American second. I can't remember when her daughter mentions the Latino/a population, so it might be after this episodes.

"Can’t you picture Doug being tasked with finding the evidence that the Republican front-runner’s penis isn’t all he claims it is?"

Hey, this is Ben's second episode, at least. He was in the episode with the commercial.

We had a five-way tie in my office Oscar poll. We each only missed two categories. I don't think the surprises were all that surprising.