Nels P. Highberg

Forgotten? Some of us were singing as she walked to the stage. (I was singing "Black Sheep")

If Corey Stoll shaves his chest like he did for House of Cards, I will scream.

But the first article where she wrote about intersectionality was the one about Anita Hill and Clarence Thomas, not "Mapping the Margins." And, yeah, Marcia Clark could have considered intersectionality without the word, but don't forget that white women of the time were not listening to anyone. Remember the walkout

You say that white feminism was clueless about intersectionality, but this was 1994. Kimberle Crenshaw, who created the term, was just writing about it for the first time. She wrote academic articles before 1994, but her book didn't come out until after.

Mary and Edith never bothered me mainly because it's so clear they learned how to treat each other from Robert and Rosamund.

I assumed it was being videoed from multiple angles, just not with sound.

For me, it's Toni Morrison's Beloved.

Sebastian is going to release security footage from the school that shows Wes attacking Taylor first.

Amelia started drinking in the last episode, so it doesn't become a problem "later in this episode." It started with the last one. We watched it.

Is this an attempt to create a soundtrack like Daft Punk did for Tron: Legacy?

Maybe. Never read Rand. And he's allowed to fire the guy for no reason, but he had a reason: they guy stood in front of everyone criticizing him. It's just like that guy that got fired at TimeWarner last year after speaking up in that board meeting. It happens. I see that as Bobby being loyal until you push him. Then,

I don't see how the show would lose viewers over this. I guess I don't see how someone already watching a show that features a lot of women with a lot of power, interracial relationships, and gay marriage would all of a sudden think the abortion crossed some line on the show.

I think you could add a lot from his music videos, too. A lot of this had me thinking back to things he did in the 80s.

All I know is, at this point, I admire Bobby a lot because of his intense sense of loyalty, and I can't stand Chuck. Maybe that will change?

Wow, I'm having way more fun with this show than the recapper. I don't find it unpleasant, not do I feel like I am expected to love anyone. I've been laughing about the difference between anal lube and regular lube all day.

Yeah, add me to the list that wants to see Clash and Demonhead and Crash and the Boys.

Not sure what to make of the opening? It was a powerful statement of one man's experience as a rape survivor. How else could it be interpreted?

Which subtlety of American history would turn that argument into something legitimate, instead of old fashioned racism?

Umm, they are specific to the US because they are the Oscars. The BAFTAs (British equivalent) nominated non-white people the Academy chose to ignore. Even Rampling wasn't even nominated for a BAFTA, and no one called it a snub when she wasn't. No one is saying the film industry outside the US is a problem. Hollywood

She was asked a question about the Oscars, and it wasn't specific to US racism?