Nels P. Highberg

The scenes that take place for Northrup's free life.

If you want to start with action, start with Point Break.

That's my point. It's ignorance.

Some of it was filmed in Louisiana. Some of it was filmed in Canada. It was still nominated as a British film in international film award competitions.

But why would they be expected to be able to provide a detailed understanding of African-American life, especially when most Americans can't do the same for Brits of African descent or even Canadians of African descent.

Why would we expect Brits to understand American racism? Most Americans can't even explain how the Brits define "black" in their demographic collection and how it differs from how we define it for the US census.

Who else was on the jury other than WW? Do the Right Thing has always appealed more to those from the United States, whereas Sex, Lies, and Videotape really had a European style to it. I can't imagine WW caring that much about Do the Right Thing at all.

What happened to Mrs. Hughes first husband? Or were there more? I mean, she's Mrs. Hughes, not Miss Hughes.

Other recaps have made a connection with the camp fire and the burning books as an attempted comment on the idea of "feminazis" trying to control women's lives. Not sure if I buy that, but I was surprised to have the nazi and feminist scenes integrated so tightly. Thoughts?

Richard Masur! I didn't think the casting could get better.

As soon as the camera began to zoom in on Claire after Paul asked her about her greatest desire, more than anything, I wanted her to answer, "A burrito."

The finale of F&B is good. Everything comes together really well. And, yes, Romeo is the center of it all.

What a great surprise to see an article about one of the best books I've ever read! I was confused as to why it was being mentioned but then saw the opening paragraph. This is a great book.

I'm not sure if Josh can't see himself as decimated by his rapes because he's male. I think the fact that his parents kept everything secret and allowed the rapist to get away without repercussions is a key factor. If you're parents don't care, that's sends the message you shouldn't care. Maura and Shelly are primary

I've deleted this off the DVR. I admit it's just, ugh. That character inconsistencies and just the feeling of never knowing what's going on along with realizing I don't care anymore finally kicked in.

Oh, with Shonda, it can be both. And more!

When they showed Olivia staring at the white dresses covered in red at the beginning, I said to my friends, "Someone is getting shot by the end of the episode because we're supposed to be subliminally thinking of blood right now." But the blood reference turned out to be abortion. Nice move, Shonda. You're overplayed

I fully admit to being a geek when I also point out:

This has to be the episode he submits for his Emmy nomination next year. The whole virtual reality scene in the headgear was phil-nominal.

Especially since Lily is not there. If it were Thanksgiving, would she be at a sleepover?