Nels P. Highberg

Did they change the race of the main female character? I thought she was a large young black woman?

Of course! She was Blue. I loved Blue.

Saturday afternoons were great as a kid: Small Wonder, Throb (Paul Walker as a child!), and Charles in Charge.

There are thirty movies, all listed in the credits.

Well, no. People could have sued them. This is "unauthorized," you know. They had no permission to do any of it. I think they just picked their battles.

I think they had to reverse the set because this was unauthorized, and they could have (theoretically) gotten a cease-and-desist order if they had copied the original too much.

No, they would just use the rating they have that says it failed the Bechdel test. It's a rating to let people know about a film's content.

Umm, the Swedish film system uses it. I think they are human.

Okay, that I can buy.

How can Ballers and The Brink both be on HBO at 10:30?

Either way, it's not all white women left.

They didn't really keep Shamiqua until the top four. They kept her until the top six. Then two contestants removed themselves, which put her in the top four. You still have Grace, though. I mean, she's Brazilian, right? I know the actress was born in Peru.

For me, it's all about SENSE8.

This episode was so painful, I had to follow up immediately with the next one. And that's what made it so good. Love this show more than I ever thought I would.

No ENTER THE VOID? No RICK & STEVE? RICK & STEVE is my favorite. "Need more sperm! Need more sperm!" "Slow down, Lewinsky."


Thank you for these careful, engaged, and thoughtful recaps. I love engaging with them because you really seem to care about understanding the show and characters as presented.

That's cool. Thought he already was a regular, though.

I'm one of the fans who was happy to see Derek go. That said, are Jo and Stephanie now attendings or are they still residents? Time wise, it seems we've past the three year mark that ends their residency, but it still seems like they have been residents in the last two episodes.

Great book.