Nels P. Highberg

It was a little weird to watch the King of Baltimore on one channel while switching to news of the Baltimore riots on another.

Aren't the episode titles from Island of Dr. Moreau?

He's the assistant manager of a JoAnn's Fabrics.

MOTHER, MAY I SLEEP WITH DANGER is so freaking amazing that I have a group of friends who get together whenever it's on to watch it together. We've turned it into THE ROCKY HORROR PICTURE SHOW.

Selena had a diaphragm stuck inside her that Gary helped get out.

Did we ever find out what happened to the three hikers?

No, you're right. I have read the book, and he's pretty clear Boone meant it as you describe.

Funny because I found the style off-putting at times but not because of the vocabulary. The sentence structures sometimes varied too much too quickly so that I had to reread a fair amount. Thematically, I did appreciate a lot of the points he raises. But I am also the first son in a military family not to go into the

I thought he went to knock on the door again not be forgiven again but to get the chicken.

I read it, but I missed the "two-episode arc." Mea culpa.

If SCANDAL ain't campy, I don't know what is.

She offered to dribble warm tea on him.

You forgot the first episode he was in! He was in two episodes. And the first one had all the hot shirtless firefighters.

He did not realize he couldn't tell an AIDS joke on stage. He realized he didn't want to tell anymore AIDS jokes on stage. There's a BIG difference.

I loved Tiffany, and I loved The Cure.

I love my Hamilton Beach sandwich maker and use it daily.

I felt for Alex. I don't think she needs to be knocked down a peg or two. It was sad to see her rejected from a school she talked about going to back in season one or two.

Yes, the man with the knife was the man nick-named "Double Stuff" in the book.

Doesn't it seem absolutely perfect that Leo would be named after a sexual act that involves punching a woman in the gut?

Should have known that comment early in the episode about suicide being selfish would pop up again. Love the part about being married to a person a learning to live with her/his selfishness.