Nels P. Highberg

Very happy with these later episodes and very surprised about it.

He's done several movies as a man and several as a woman. He also appears on his weekly show dressed as a man and dressed as a woman. If you're a fan, you'll recognize him either way.

No enough that he choses to hide his masculinity. He'll appear in drag and he'll appear out of drag. He's not afraid to be seen as a man or as a woman. Some drag queens will never been seen out of drag. Some men will never been seen in drag. RuPaul is comfortable either way, and I love him for it.

RuPaul, a man who doesn't care about masculinity or femininity.

Alex was at home alone and loving it.

Wait, he never knew that "Cotton-Eyed Joe" was a song? And then he talks about our grandparents making love to it? WTF?

I think I'll finish Station Eleven tonight. Then, I'm off to Inherit Midnight.