
Yes it does...

This is a test to see if comments work on iphone...

OMG you missed the obvious pun!!!! You can surf the web while surfing! Doh!

makes Tim Allen-like grunting noises....

Thanks! I needed that!

Very cool, and if you turn it up on its end angry monkeys can throw sticks at it....

I finally got my motherfucking sweet 3 in one cable, iphone, mini usb micro usb, and now that one will be no good....Doh!

Not me, I'm bi...

I feel your pain! Why change what has been for eons? Propiertary cables are bad enough, but if you're going to use one, keep using it!

There is cloning software by crucial, but in my opinion is sucks. If your drive is partitioned it totally fucks it up. I strongly recommend doing a backup of your recovery partition like i did with my ASUS and then do a clean install to the SSD drive. Your machine will usually run better after rebuilding it anyhow,

I'm sorry but i've always thought that this was the dumbest fucking upgrade ever. It's not exactly iike the iPad being just a big iPhone. If they're going to go bigger they should make the 3ds Notebook!

I got the crucial 256gb from amazon pretty damn cheap like 230. I have two drive bays in my Asus notebook so i just put windows and a few smaller programs on the SSD drive. All games on the spinning drive. Windows boots in like 15 seconds to the desktop, shuts down in 5. Loving it.....

NOthing striking in particular lately, and some of their stuff bombs like the 3-d headset, but I gave them as an example as a company that does more exciting things hardware-wise. Frankly, lately, the coolest things I've seen lately are add-ons to existing tech by smaller companies. As an example, i'm waiting on the

this is not so much a pro-apple post, i just think that it's a pretty bold statement by Giz. Sorry but when i hear Microsoft, "exciting" doesn't come to mind. I don't think i need to be called a troll, which i'm not, just because I disagree with the author. I'll put it to you this way, i'm not chomping at the bit to

I'll be brief. No it isn't. Maybe It's the most excited company, but not the most exciting....

When I was a kid the only apple product we got to shut us up was an actual apple, or applesauce.

Well that's definitely something that you don't want to lose suction ever!

hey man if they can have the newest electric masturbator they can have the newest electric weed smoker....

Didn't Hemingway write a book about that? Farewell two arms?

Yeah but the great thing about being american is that we don't give a fuck if nobody gives a rat's ass about us!