
I'm surprised all the words that these systems understand. I was on hold with the apple automated system that understands full sentences. It didn't help me so i got pretty pissed. The system then said "Can I do anything else for you?" I replied, "Yes, go fuck yourself!" The system then said, "I'm sorry you're not

Don't forget cardio....remember Zombies aren't fantastic runners. God forbid they start wearing good sneakers. The best defense however is to wear a George W. Bush mask. Remember, Zombies want brains....

Perhaps the Sd card came flying out when his shit hit the fan?

Wow that's really cool! Where can I avoid purchasing one?

Here's how you make shitty beer less shitty. Step 1: Drink a six pack of the shitty beer. There is no step 2.

This is why I always pre-emptively shoot people before returning their phones....just in case....

You could watch Rosie O'donnall flash her beaver, that would do it as well. Wait, no don't do that, that would result in permanent blindness.

Don't forget Johnny Quest...Actually I think that this particular one was Dr. Zinn's but i'm not sure...

Micro sd would be better and are spicier than sd cards

If bees worked, imagine what a gourd full of angry birds could do!

Ok giz, you totally need a new stock porn icon. I've seen that image so much that she may as well become the website's new mascott and then you can rename the site to "Jizmodo"


I guess if you had to shit a brick, that'd be the bathroom to do it in.

Totally impractical. Even if you could find a unicorn, convincing it to try anal would just be too difficult.

Yeah that what I was thinking after posting that.....oh well

Um, no.

They require you to turn off anything with an on off switch. Not just devices that have radios. Fuck you airlines! I leave my iPod nano watch on all the time....muah ha ha ha ha! I do agree agree with the video in one respect. It cannot be that dangerous or they would not allow them in carry on. Plenty of people

That lesbian book is so misleading! I thought it was about lesbian horses! Very disappointing.

What, no masturbation gif? You let me down orgazmodo...

I don't know if they were truly cross winds, but they at least looked pretty pissed off!