This would work just as well
This would work just as well
This would work just as well
I guess "New Army Truck is basically Google Car" wouldn't be as catchy, but I do have to admit that except for the whole transformation into a robot thing it truly is practically Optimus Prime.
The next step is to create new hardware that IS a game, a game that is so awesomely awesome that it will be the last game anyone ever wants to play. The game to end all games. The game will cause people to become addicted to it, losing their jobs, destroying their marriages and completely and totally alienating them…
Do you need to have a PS4? The answer is always no. It's the wrong question. The question should have been what are the advantages of buying one now? What are the advantages of waiting? Are there any downsides of buying the device later? Typically there are few reasons to buy something the moment it comes out as…
I think if the peak for Computer animation keeps moving, then the consoles will have to keep up with it. CG is at the point now, at least with scenery, explosions, and the like that it is impossible to tell the difference between CG and real. Video games could never do what the state of the art pre-rendered could do.…
I expected the launch titles to be ho hum, well AC4 is supposed to be great but it's on older systems too. The last time I truly got excited about an opening game was the first Halo on the original xbox. Other than that I think everyone expects launch titles to be just okay
Wow that was an old post! How are you just finding it now lol!
If I weren't married I would rest my feet on it while gazing at my life sized wall hanging of Han Solo frozen in carbonite
Here's a great video on how to speed up your iPhone! speed up iPhone
danger zone!!!!
Actually i think it's a clever ad and love the incorporation of the x triangle circle square in the peoples pupils.
The question should not ONLY be how do to explain why killers killare given their exposure to gore/video games, etc., but why do people who are exposed to the exact same things NOT kill people? The VAST MAJORITY of children and adults exposed to the WORST video games and movies DON'T KILL PEOPLE why? Is it simply…
Well I can tell you I work for Microsoft and they are the biggest piece of shit ass monkeys on the planet! Wait, no no I work for Apple! Oh Shit!
god I wish the world really worked like that, but I totally agree. Huzzah!
Insane in the membrane, but hats off to those guys!
I don't know, if Cathy Lee had anything to do with it, then Brandy may have had a lot to do with it!
I see what you did there....+1
use bent over piece of same tape to save place on tape...bread clip unnecessary.