looks good...
looks good...
watch this chick, she's awesome! shows the pax in action...lucky pax...
Shame on you for even posting this Giz. Really. Gee maybe if I illegally record a preview my video will make it on your site too!
Yeah, I quickly learned not to type "Anal Whores" when I really wanted to know about incredibly OCD prostitutes. Thanks Google!
There are lots of "standard" arguments on both sides of the issue. I'm a gun owner and I've never killed anyone. That's another argument, but that doesn't stop people from doing the horrible things that they do. Personally, I think guns are really cool, but that's part of my culture. If I could wish away all the guns…
Unfortunately you're right. I don't know what the answer is but I think we've gotten ourselves into a mess that has no easy solution. I'm in total agreement that they're too easy to get and too easy to use. I think that (possibly) the only way out is for people to arm themselves with a non-lethal technology that could…
I agree. In fact, If I could make them all disappear, except for law enforcement, i'd give mine up tomorrow. Truly. I don't feel that much of a need for them personally. I just think they're cool. My wife is very glad that it makes killing easy, especially if someone ever breaks into the house. The bigger problem,…
wow that was a late reply! Well, at least you got it in before the new year!
beat me to it
As always, thank you Jizmodo.
After spending all night in an anal cavity, you'd think it would be difficult to get out in the morning.
If you've ever been to a massage parlor you'll know why Americans love happy endings. Also, Americans are very much into space type things (hello, first to the moon thank you), and Star Trek aired 1966 (3 yrs before the moon landing) getting people all Jazzed about the Apollo missions, so (just my opinion) it may have…
good point! It's not as though when they buy these things that the money is literally going down the toilet. Someone sells these light displays and software and their kids can eat because of it.
Thanks! Great info!
What's interesting is that dark chocolate melts much less easily than milk chocolate and it seems to be harder to begin with. why is that? Less sugar??? the milk?
ahhh, I'm still mullin' it over....Nothing like an unnecessary morning rant...
Well then that's going to be what I drive to work in every day while I drink coffee. No more rain ponchos for me!
The Humanity!!! I remember when video games actually started getting cool and were more than just a novelty, it was like crack. Well, I'm guessing it was like crack, we didn't have crack back then, just good ole' coke. At least back then you burned up a few more calories because you had to stand to do your gaming. I'd…
Ok, I'm calling bullshit on everyone who's first response was "oh look at that waste of money!" For fuck's sake, 99% of everything on this whole site is a fucking waste of money and is for people with disposable income otherwise the sight would just be about sacks of rice and clean water. Gimme a fuckin' break! No one…