
actually mutiple viewews are no problem, you just need a 105 inch screen and all the viewers heads are yoked together with a series of connecting rods and cables...What's the problem?

They shouldn't take things so Siri-ously...

Damn, and I keep screwing up that song Love Plus One....never was very good at math...

That's a big cock-a-doodle-don't!

It doesn't count unless it comes out your nose....milk would have been better....

I can see the abuse potential...

There's some great tips at www.vomitmodo.com

Um, so what part of this was kinky???? You didn't even mention the black and decker pecker wrecker!

I know people in the philippines scam us, i'm just wondering who scams the people in the philippines????

Then i guess that Kinect knows there will be no new taxes...

it's not the shipping i'm worried about, it's the handling!!! The handling!!!!

The only problem I can see is that drinking, bathing, dish and clothes washing is highly overrated...

Enough already with the sticky crustaceans! Now bend over and let me listen to your heart! Woob, Woob, Woob, woooo

Ok, just got mine. Only played w/it a bit, but here are initial impressions. I'll post again after a few hours of playtime....BTW i'm not a sony basher. I love sony, sometimes to my own detriment. But here goes...

Pffft! I'd rather have a flatscreen window using a camera mounted outside


I would pay good money to see how a child crash test dummy flails around in that device...the humanity!!!

The is when no one knew what the fuck a class action lawsuit was.....

Yes smart phones are stupid...Now cranial implant with Wifi that's a different story....

Um, yeah, that's what I need, another way for Leopards to hide in my back yard waiting to pounce on me!