
Spiderbot, spiderbot, does what other bots just cannot...

I use an app for iPhone called data usage. It's fuckin' awesome! you can input your limit for the month, the billing cycle, even a daily cap if you like. It will constantly update you as to how much you have left, what percentage you've used, and how many mb of data you can use per day for the rest of the month. It

I can see them at the drive through now. I'll have a bic mac, fries, shake, and 2 bails of hay and a salt lick....

Call me when they've invented tactile porn...

Boy am I glad that I added Asteroid Collision to my homeowner's windstorm insurance! We are farmer's bum-ba-dump-bum, bum bum bum...


I look forward to real-world field testing conditions....

It is very cold In the STG-ET chamber and no one can hear your fart....no one!

Big fuckin' deal!

You've also bested my Spaniard, which means you must have studied, and in studying you must have learned that man is mortal, so you would have put the Fukushima water as far from yourself as possible, so I can clearly not choose the cup in front of me......

This is much, much safer....

What? You can't control it with an iphone? Phhhhffftt...

Good News Everybody! Dr Hubert Farnsworth already invented the finglongerer....what else do you need?

They are going to need someone like Harrison Ford's character in Bladerunner to design questions that involve moral dilemmas...You see a turtle on its back in the sun.....Another poster put down on his website "what sound does a cat make" which is more of a common knowledge question, which, incidentally, SIRI doesn't

I charged and discharged once. Here are my stats since charge. Usage 1 hour and 21 minutes, Standby 11 hours 5 mintues. 78% charge. Wifi on, gps on siri on. automatically set time off, bluetooth off also. iCloud off. receiving mail, alerts, etc..as usual though. Seems on par 4g....

king of the hill...

all things being equal, the buns are probably worse....

Send them to the prison colony and let them fight it out!

I seem to recall some technology years ago that was supposed to store Data in a protein based media like a cube of some sort and they could focus lasers at different depths in cube to store multiple terabytes in a very tiny space. What the hell happened to that?

silly rabbit, no one buys phones because they are good phones! you know, just like they don't buy cars because they are good cars. they just wanna know if their car will work properly with their phone!!!