
I'll buy that baby in a second....I really don't want a whole 3-d tv, but for gaming...def...

Shit! I knew god would punish me for posting that!

What an idiot! Everyone knows that God makes hurricanes! If they hit someone you don't like, he was punishing them, If they hit someone you like then he was testing their faith, or he really meant to hit the people you don't like but he hooked it...

At least he didn't have a cock-or-two in his pants....

Naw, just use the resomator fumigator 5000

LOL!! Just make sure to use polyvinylchloride for the container.....

I want to be frozen in carbonite then hung on the wall (with really strong anchors). Also, being dipped in Lucite and then turned into a lamp would be cool too.

Thank god her labial rejuvination was unharmed!

doesn't surprise me as there is free health care...how ironic would it be to have free health care yet charge for texting??/

Steve Jobs, a Nun and a Priest walk into a bar and they're all naked......The bartender says "Jesus Christ!" and Steve Jobs says, "no, but I get that a lot..." There. that's my favorite Steve Jobs Story...Thank you...

I know someone who'll do it for just 19.95! But wait!!!! Call within the next 10 minutes and......

oh shit you're right! it's mine too! Fast as hell!

Die motherfuckers! Die!!!!

Two words: Fucking Stupid

well the "cool shit i'll never be able to own" folder just got a bit thicker

you are naturally correct, but I believe that was done on purpose to give it a grammatically incorrect "kid" sound...

gotta love Colbert!

wow! Wozniak said iphones have all the senses of a human! I'm getting the early warning fart detector from the app store!

no, he's not dead, but he's sure as shit got one of these happening right now....
