Dr. Mr. Hey you

My dad opened a radiator cap like this in his 20's, and 50 years later his face was still red from the burns he sustained. 

Good stuff!

What about the Suns?

Eh, my G37 took out a Model X a few months back. Dude was probably surprised. 

If a man harasses and threatens my daughter I will fucking shoot him dead and show the judge countless stories of young women being murdered by men who said and did the same things as the guy I killed. Worst case is I serve time in prison and my daughter is alive. Zero tolerance from me.

Oh yeah! Three years and $640,000 later this thing would be badass.

I would have sent Iran an invoice for the drone with a due date 45 days hence. They broke our toy and now they have to buy us a new one. You don't murder people over a broken toy. I learned that in Kindergarten.

I saw one just like this yesterday and it was damn good looking on the freeway.

State highway patrol officers should be able to impound a left lane hog’s car for up to a year, and assaulting a LLH should be a low level misdemeanor.

When the battery pack shits the bed just LS swap it.


$180,000 is insane, but someone will buy it.

In short, the V-Sport models are de-tuned and now called V, and the new “V” models are coming and we aren’t telling what we are calling them.

Rovell's brain after seeing/reading/hearing anything - "me me me me branding me me me Q rating me me me me branding me me."

Slice those bootstraps off and boil them for a good hardy meal.


Amazing story... this lady is a badass!

Oh, damn, silly me.

This. Maybe police should use their powers of observation and not pull guns on a 65 year old woman driving down the highway. Be cautious, but not threatening death all of the time.

I had a red on red ‘77 and it was glorious.